so ive calmed down a bit since the youme@six gig... eventhough i get the random flash back and freak out majorly inside but i met jonathan cook so you'll allow me that
But its really not just meeting jnathan that made it my best night ever... allthough that realy topped it off.. but spending the night with my mates made it sooo amazing really i love them guys so much... they really helped make that night for example i think trekking round Newcastle getting lost getting directions in subway finding starbucks picking up the wrong order then spitting it all down myself is a memory that will stay with me for ever... but only cos it was with beth... and being at the gig practically at the barrier for the majority of the gig was awesome... cos i was with my best friend... Elly...and the same at the Jonas concert wehre i stood next to her and we danced and sang outrageously out of tune and then clapped for nick all the way through his speech... and the journey home form the Jonas Brothers concert is forever burned into my memory because i spent the majority of it trying to comfort Laura after she broke done cos Kevin looked at her... although its not a particularly pleasant memory im always gunna remember when emma passed out in the moch pit at boyslikegirls and how me and natalie had to drag her out... having a conversation with the support band on the way and natalie god what can i say about natalie... when she fell over in the auditions set on our fist gig and i didnt realise... the jonas gig when her and ellys voice went all hamsterish... at boyslikegirls when she was hopping round on one foot in puddles while i bounced round getting the auteur to sign her converse cos the lead singer was wearing the same pair... the youmeatsix gig where she got the most amazing picture of her and Josh franceschi and the way she moshes like hell so much her ribs hurt...
so you see what i'm trying to say is that while its completely out of this world to go and see my fave bands and even more unbelievable to be actualy able to meet them... the best thing about them is being able to go with some of the people who make my world really rock... the memories that are gunna really stay are those ones cos they;re the ones that made me laugh or cry or scream or whatever... i lvoe you guys and i wouldnt change you for the world!

Lots of Love
Ciao y'all
ReplyDeleteBless yah I was happy to have you there. And i don't care what anyone says the best was when we had a convo with The Auteur whilst emma was passed out. And watching you go all FAN GIRL after you met Jonathan(?) and i'm glad you did it when you had left him, even though it would have been amazingly funny if you'd done it to his face.
Love You Watson xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<3
Love You tooo Chars Bar! It was immensly epic to have you there too, I wouldn't have done it without you :D You're amazing and i love you <3 i love you all <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ReplyDeleteBonjour, i'm commenting, i'm commenting, sorry it's a bit late, and awww thanks, you soppy git, lol, love you xx