well... I'm elly and i'm Charlie!!!! so welcome to our first blog thing lol!!!!!!!!!!`
she gets slightly carried away on the "!"'s so don't mind
I like '!' so get lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes charlie we gathered that and actually no we won't get lost becuase we did not mean offence you douche anyway.....
so we're not entirely sure what to write about lol any ideas elly?
yes actually i do...we could discuss our fellow blogspotter the crazy girl obsessed with Joe Jonas what do you say??
I really love her blogs they make me laugh so much and i got most of my Jobro pics from her!!!!!! she even gave us the idea to start our own blog so she's cool
yes i quite agree haha shes really rather very funny! i suppose we should really tribute her shouldn't we?? (i actually have no idea wtf i have just written but it sounds good haha and rather right but hey i am full of nonsense)
erm... ok, elly! wierd! erm.. i'm not entirely sure what you're on about either so lets just say we both think she's really good! right?
yes agreed! okayy so i'm not really very happt atm becuase charlie!!! has gone and lost the thingy me jig for Mr. Boogie and Mr.Earwax so they don't work >:( *if you are wondering what and who Mr,Boogie and Mr.Earwax are they are 2 little light things and once when i slept over Charlies I went hyper and created those two fabbity characters they are really rather awesome that are totally ful of awesomness!!*
ok random well i guess we named our blog right!!!!!!!! erm.. its not my fault the charger broke so they don't work anymore and we can't buy a new charger for them!!!!!!!!!!! Can we plz talk about something else now cos this is a bit wierd?
indeed! it is your fault they're your little things!! okayy then we can talk about what we are going to do when we win the U Rock comp. for disney channel
Ok so i should probably start at the beginning! Me n Elly both love the Jonas brothers so when we saw this comp on Disney Channel to win tickets to the UK premire of Camp Rock we decided to go for it and actually we think we've got a pretty good chance of winning!!!!!!!!!!
PRETTY GOOD CHANCE!!!! PRETTY GOOD CHANCE!! we've won the damn thing by miles!! you lunatic-- but yes we adore those sex gods well that sounds quite peverted so we'll just say we adore the Jo Bros becuase they are amazing so just forget that i actually said that haha but yes we are genius' we spent like forveer doing the vid to perfection if you watch the disney channel it should show our video pretty soon
I think we should include a picture of the Jobros in the blog any ideas on how to do that elly?
yes you thicket you press the little icon that says insert picture you donkous!! *ohh my goodness i sound like nathen grame or how ever you spell his name- if yu read this nathen (which you probz won't but hey its worth it) i am sorry becuase i cannot spell your name*
ok elly can we get back to putting that pic in?
yes and with a click here and a click there we have a pic of the fabbity Jo Bros

Okayy then there we have it the fabbity pic of the gorgeous Jonas Brothers!! Kevins writing is a mess!! lmao just ignore that haha
Joe is easily the best!!!!!!! he is Hot Hot Hot!!!!!!!! I sooooooooo agree with that girl!!!!!! and he's wearing a cool hat!!!!!!! I love hats!!!!!!!! and bags but he doesn't have one of those!!!
Charlie please chill out you do not want me to get started on my amazing opinions on how amazing Nick is-- he is so frikkin talented he can not only play the Piano and the bass but he also plays the drums!! come on the jonas forsakn drums I frikking love the drums!! I play the drums!! I love the drums-- i hope he loves the drums! i love the drums as much i love Nick and that is a lot even though I love my boyfriend more but lets not go into that and sorry ben if you read this but i am not in love with Nick Jonas hes a celeb right but hey I love Nick Jonas he is just so amazing but hey i'm going to shut up now becuase Charlie is having a rant at me about how long this is but hey if the readers read it its all good
wrapping this up now Goodbye and Goodnight or morning if you are in someplace like aussi land haha well whatever au revoir as they say in le france haha i'm shutting up now byeeeeeee
Oki elly i finally get to write something ! I agree with you that Nick is seriously talented but Joe just beats him cos he's gorgeous!!!!!!!!!! right so we're going to have to go now!!! am not going to do anything cheesy like elly quoting Jobro songs! Ciao
u guys r reallly funny...
ReplyDeleteand i luv the randomness!!!! (i think i spelt that right?) anyway, i really like ur blog, it's funny!!! hahaha!! u left a comment on my blog, to visit ur blog.. (genius) so i went to your blog...
and this is getting confusing! but i like ur blog...
do u get it? i like ur blog..
i hope u have the idea by now, because i feel like stairing at joe jonas, and i can't do both at once! lol
Erm...thanks we love your blog too is amazing!! charlie says erm... she totally understands the staring at Joe thing he really does sort of leacve you speachless doesn't he?? lol