right so what am i going to talk about... Well my name is Charlie. my birthday is the 27th of October so i'm like 6 months older tham elly!!! I have shortish blonde hair and blue eyes! i also wear glasses but i'm trialing contact lenses!!!!!!!! yeah but i kinda had to stop wearing them at the mo cos a prodded myself in the eye and gave myself an eye infection! Not cool!
Right elly basically covered what we like to do! so i've kinda run out of things to talk about!!!
Oh no i haven't!!! I can talk about my fave Jobro!!!!!! Joe!!!!! OK Joe pic moment 

okay so Old Picture And new pic
Look Joe wears glasses too!
Right so Joes my favourite for lots and lots of reasons! He's funny (like really funny) and i like to laugh so thats cool! He's obviously gorgeous!!!!!!!! He can sing which is again cool! He can play guitar and the keyboard and the tambourine!!!!!!! there's just something sexy about a guy with a guitar!!!!!!! Lol! And best of all from what i've seen he's not very good at golf!!!!!!!
I seriously hate golf!!!!!! I just don't get it whats fun about hitting a little white ball into a hole!!!!! Nothing!!! I understand Football (or soccer if your american), I understand cricket, I even understand rugby!!!!!!!! They take some skill! But Golf is just... skilless. And how on earth can you play golf prefessionally!!!! and get paid for it!!!!!! Its pointless!!!!!
Ok so now i've had a bit of a golf rant back to Joe!! Yeah i watched a video of him trying to play golf and he kept hitting it the wrong way!!! I don't no whether he was having a bad day or whether hes just really bad but it mad me happy. And now ellys upset cos Nick s really good! Lol
I like all the Jobros and i agree with elly that Nick is very talented and Kevin is obvisously an ace Guitarist but i just like Joe the best cos he rocks!!!
I'm going to have to go now so... Ciao
p.s i found a vid on youtube called joe Jonas the studmuffin so haha to you Elly!!!!!!!!!!
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