OMG iwas talking to the vet man vet today.... he was like crazy fit!! he was like just asking what i wanted to do when i leave school n then how i was doing at school... i think i did pretty well considering i was trying not to drool... lol!!!!
The most gorgeous dog came in today... a white german shepard it was srsly sooo beautiful... i was in love.. i want one!!!! it had an amazing name... Neeka i love that name.. its awesome...
not much else to talk bout.... lauras coming down for lunch tmoz... gunna be fun lol hope bob isnt coming.. he didnt today but he might... found some amazing shoes ill have to show her them

Why is Joe eating a teddy lol?
Ciao peeps
joe is eating the teddy cuz it tasted like pesto. and i love pesto. i love pesto so much that he wants me to b happy so hhe eats pesto flavored teddies.
ReplyDeletei rock harder than billy the magical rock