Yeah so i fixed my laptop cos i rock!!! yeah so now i can start writing regularly again!!! yaya lol!!!
So its getting closer to the release of the twilight Dvd so that means it closer to our party!!! whooo!!! everyones getting really into it atm!! weve even started calling each other by our character names!!! its sad i know but were all really excited!!! everyone at schools started reading it now! which is weird for me cos i was the one who started it all off... kinda lol!!! lauras freaking she's srsly looking forward to it lol... already bought rosalie shoes lol!!!
i went round sarahs on monday... n we watched Twilight online lol... which we shouldnt lol but hey... natalie and sarah both burst out crying at the bit when edward plays the piano for bella... then again at the end.... i was like patting them both going 'aww bless'
I tried to download i wanna be like you by Jonas brothers.... n i was really happy when it did it really quickly... until i found out it had only downloaded the first six seconds... which made my unhappy it doesnt even get to the opening line... booo hooo not cool.
i went round sarahs on monday... n we watched Twilight online lol... which we shouldnt lol but hey... natalie and sarah both burst out crying at the bit when edward plays the piano for bella... then again at the end.... i was like patting them both going 'aww bless'
I tried to download i wanna be like you by Jonas brothers.... n i was really happy when it did it really quickly... until i found out it had only downloaded the first six seconds... which made my unhappy it doesnt even get to the opening line... booo hooo not cool.
went to see bolt yesterday it was so funny... that poor little hamster oooh whats it called... rhino thats it lol... he was so funny bless its little cotton socks... i went with bob lol... which you anna or natalie are forbidden to work me bout... we ended up in starbucks... which i am now srsly addicted to lol its like i neeeeeeeeeeeeeed starbucks lol!!! their caramel hot chocolate is honestly the best hot chocolate in the world... i adore it.
we've got two exams this week... maths and science... surprisingly im not that worried... i mean i neeeeeeed to revise... but i think im going to do ok anyway... n im not revising the night or the morning before cos last time i did that nothing made sense n i ended up having a major panic attack not cool lol!!!
How cool it our background skin thingy??? it rocks!!! GO TEAM EDWARD!!! elly found it.... shes a legend!!! lol!!!

I'm officially Alice Cullen LOL!! Im awesome!!! lol!!!
Ciao peeps!!
Okay Okay so you dont believe a just read it wen i asked yah bt a realli did lol neways glad to see you writing agen lmao. Have yah seen what anna write on me bebo lol abt jacob black so a write back sayin edward was beet cos she sparkles lmao. Neways am off gona get toasties lol. Lyl xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <3
ReplyDeletei can't stand bolt... stupid miley cyrus...
ReplyDeleteflorida was warm, the night i flew back home, it snowed 16 inches. and it rained. and it was cold!! lol!
good 2 see u back online!!
i can't get I wanna be like you either! it's annoying!! olo!.. wait.. lol!!
OMG! i can't stand twilight!! stupid people keep shoving it in my face! i couldn't even escape it in Hot Topic.. the emoo store!! AWWA!!