Ok so you may or may not remember on my new years blog i said one of my dreams for this year is to see a load of gigs including metro station boyslikegirls Demi Lovato and Miley cyrus? well good news guys!!!!!!!!!!! WE'RE GUNNA SEE BOYSLIKEGIRLS!!!!!!!!!! i am sooooooo excited i adore BLG they rock so much and we're gunna go see them! Live!! i was so disappointed when they released dates cos they were only going to Manchester which i like a long way away i even cried... :'( but then i realised we were on holiday so we could gooo!! i am sooooo fricken buzzed about it!!!! YAYSYAYAYSYAYAYS its unbelievable my fave bands goo jonas brothers Metro station BLG FTSK ATL and by the march 13th i will have seen four of them i am unbelievably blessed with this i cant believe that im actually going theyre amazing wow oh dear im gunna stop now
so im trying to lose weight in time for prom which i dont think is gunna happen... im trying to eat more healthily but mostly what ive done is cut the crap out of my diet like chocolate and sugar etc and cut down my portions im also going out for a jog everynow and again and doing a lot more exercise sooo fingers crossed hey? Natalies doign a lot better than me... she's basically just eating salads lol n ellys gone completely the other way and i swear shes starting to eat more
hmm what else can i telll you guys? ... I got my overall Physics result? i got an A for any one who cares? lol
and this is us before the gig... ELLY ME NATALIE LAURA lololol with out amazing signs arent they awesome!!! my hair loooks pretty here... i actually like it thanks to natalie love yah holmes
Love y'all
Ciao guys!!!!
Lucky! lol thats all i'll say! XD!