i am so bad at this lol its been so long since i blogged again im sorry... i hope if you're still intrested in my ramblings that you stick with me and just wait lol im so sorry hahah but just think of it as suspense building up to my not so amazing posts lol...
so ive been away for the weekend lol on a residential at Durham University it was good even though laura sniffed at some random powder in my room and got really ill and had to go home leaving me on my own which wasnt cool but i made new friends i probably wouldnt have done with Laura there tbh i love laura and would have prefered her to be there but it was good anyway like last night we had a formal meal and disco and i was getting ready with a friend i made called Steff lol n we were ready early and cos all the boys were staying at a different college they had to stay at ours n werent allowed to go and get changed and since Steff and i were ready early we went and sat with all of them being the only girls there lol it was actually hysterically funny they are s much better company than the girls hahah they are so dirty though lol they started trying to watch porn on the internet and Chris who was a student at the Uni n one of our mentors and absolutely hilarious went running out screaming help help and one of the senior mentors came in and was like omg you cant do that its practically illeagal it was hilarious cos then he turned to us and went hahahah i liked my reaction there... chriss came over and said omg you have to help me... have you ever seen the film teeth... and i just blanked... lolol btw do not watch teeth... DO NOT EVER lolol and it was amazing there wasnt any niiiice lads there but they were soooo canny hahah there was this one who was cute he kinda looked like sterling knight from disney channel but he is so not my type lolol hahah there was this one kid that must have been about 11 checked me out... while he knew that i was watching him... i was like WHAT n then at the disco Steff and i were sitting with all the guys who were our age n this kid who was called Marcus valentine... what a name btw... came over and was trying to get us to dance with him n one of our lads actually liked literally picked him up and threw him away hahah it was hilarious but he kept coming back all the time so one of them just got hold of his neck and like held him away from us like in the air it was hilarious i have never laughed so much in alllll my life they were soooo hilarious really really hysterical
Steff was soo funny lol... the girl but a lightbulb in her mouth lol just to see if it was true that you couldnt get it back out hhahaha btw i think it is true so please dont try lol but she was really funny
n then this morning we had a 'graduation' lol n i had no idea how formal it was gunna be lol so cos i was tired i dressed in like my comfort clothing... my wellies blue skinnies jonas tee n my blue waistcoat and then when we got there everything was like majorly formal the dean was there and all the mentors were like in suits etc and wearing graduation gowns n we had to go up and recieve this award i was so embarrassed i was just sat there thinking shit shit shit n then i started laughing with this girl about how we had no idea what we had to do n then we realised we really didnt have any idea what to do and that shut us up lolol
But now im back home and im srsly tired and wanna go to bed but cba lol nvm lol

hah right im going now
Love y'all
Ciao guys!!!!!
Good ol' Marcus Valentine, i've never met a kid like him and hopefully, I never will again, lol