Love y'all
Sometime's it isn't where you're going It's who you're with
Kevins wedding!!! yays awww bless him i hope hes happpy!!!!! yays!!! aww im very happy for him good luck for the rest of your lives together Kevin and Daniellle
basically all we're gunna do is dance!!!
Love y'all
Ciao guys!!!!!!
i recently decided that i wnt kevin jonas to be my big brother!!! yes because hes awesome he is so funny n adorable n i think he'd be the best big brother ever so yeah thats the basic plan kevin jonas is my big brother hahah
gorgeous gorgeous joey lolol he needs to grow his hair back
Love y'all
Ciao guys
Joe looks fiiiiiiiiiiiine in a leather jacket
Have a ggreat day Kevin!!!!
Love y'all
Ciao guys!!!!
ok so it basically goes... emma elly beth natalie laura n then moi on the end with my boobs out and my mane of hair that looked totally cool at home but i looked like a lion when i got out hahahah yeah the tops gorgeous n sos the shoes i had on they just arent practical to wear really
Love y'all
Ciao guys!!!!
lol Jonas Brothers with Mickey Mouse it made me laugh!!! hahahaha lolol
Love y'all
Ciao guys!!!!!
awww loook at Kevin he looks upset bless his little cotton socks... how good is Who I Am by Nick J n the Administration? its fantastico! whooo i love it and Rose Garden but a load of nelena fans are going omg its about selena n then youre kinda... no dont be stupid Nick has said he wrote it a very long time ago... *shakes head* silly nelena fans ahahah
Love y'all
Ciao guys!!!!!!