i have just made a promise to myself to take the weekend off writing my story so that i can spend time in the gorgeous wonderful snow we have!!! its so amazing its the first snow we've had this side of christmas in years!!!! everything is all white and snowy and perfect its like a winterwonder land outside... i feel like im five years old again i love it its fantastic argh it snowed speshly for Natalies birthday!! i am in such a hype atm hahahah!!!
we had a meal for natalies birthday as well and they made me wear these huuuuge heels that i almost broke my neck in wwhich was uber uncoool and i wore this stupid top that is really low cut and everyone has a thing about taking the mick out of my boobs... yeah... its really not cool my boobs arent even that big booooo its very annoying n now im sad guys...
so we had our end of term christmas assembly today which was mostly really bad but ended really good... i loved the drummer guy... he was really really close to drowning out the choir hahah n then the year ten band n our cool french teacher covered do theyknow its christmas which was pretty awesome seeing as though i managed to block out the choir n concetrate on the band n our hilariously funny teachers chime bar band hahahahah i was thinking bout standing up n then natalie asked me too so we were all on our feet clapping and singing along it was pretty daymn awesome one of frasers friends did the guitar solo n it was great

ok so it basically goes... emma elly beth natalie laura n then moi on the end with my boobs out and my mane of hair that looked totally cool at home but i looked like a lion when i got out hahahah yeah the tops gorgeous n sos the shoes i had on they just arent practical to wear really
Love y'all
Ciao guys!!!!
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