emmas sleepover was awesome lolol but me n laura got really wrong which was hilarious we were watching The Notebook which is supposed to be seriously sad n me n laura were curled up on the couch with Emmas dog n i was pulling faces at her n she ended up sneezing in my face n then she startd snacking at lauras face n we were in kinks it was hilarious n then we just got really hyper and were laughing all the way through like hysterical n the rest werent very happy at all but we thought it was hilarious n the rest were sobbing their hearts out but we were still laughing our heads off it was sooo funny lolol
n then we watched lova actually which is one of my fave films n everyone botted off to play twister n i was liek whatever
n they gave me cherryade which sends my seriously hyper but didnt take affect until 2am it was hilarious i was bad!!it was good i actually like foreward rolled off emmas bed it was sooo funny!!!
you dont have to read this part cos its just me being a freak n being all deep lol the only person who will really care is laura cos i dont need her to go n get it on with kevin for inspiration for me lol she'll probably still wanna go for her own entertainment but she doesnt need to blame me i am soo pleased atm because ive beeen writing this snow wedding for laura n mostly ive hated it i think it sucks rotten eggs n i realise now it actually has been a complete lack of inspiration but now that we;ve got all this beautiful beautiful snow i think ive got my inspiration back i couldnt picture what u wanted it to look like and now all this amazing snow has come i dont need to picture it cos i have it right in front of me i am feelign so good i was walkign through the park back home from emmas n all this description kept pooping into my head n i actually didnt hate it it was fantastic cos i feel thats what ive always had a problem with description i can narate events perfectly fine i can do plots n everything its just the description that doesnt come naturally n it sucks but nvm im back now lol

gorgeous gorgeous joey lolol he needs to grow his hair back
Love y'all
Ciao guys
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