again ive been sooo bad n i havent really been posting a lot which sucks but nvm!!!
i got a new laptop which is awesome so now i dont have to keep lending frasers its taking a lot of getting used to cos its got windows 7 on it i i have no idea how to use it lolol but im slowly getting into it hahahah ive even got all my stuff on it and all sorted out n organised which is cooooooool
Christmas was awesome we actually had a completely white christmas for the first time in ten years which was incredible it even snowed on xmas day awesome see awesome!!!!
xmas dinner was fun too fraser got some eyelash curlers in his cracker n pretended to try n curl his hair n ended up pulling half his eye lashes out it was so funny... then mum made me try her wine n i was very nearly sick i dont think im going to be much of a drinker hahah
we also had an early christmas where we went round to ellys cos we werent able to spend xmas with my mates so we had early instead where we swapped presents lol it was cool elly was gave me a starbucks card n i was like oh yay wow thanks elly a starbucks card... that i have to put money on...n she went ive already put money on it you idiot lolol was funnny... Natalie got me an awesome necklace with a guitar on its cool im wearing it atm lol n beth got me some barry m nail polish yays!
we also went to the cinema with my family n my little brothers girlfriend who i dont like at alll oooh i havent told you about Paige hahah she hates me for no apparent reason lol which is quite funny tbh i dislike her as well.... n i had to sit through a meal with her... she was ok until she started dissing jb n especially Joe which you just do not do in front of me hahah but nvm she'll be gone soon n then we went to see avatar which is actually amazing i really really got into it n it was one of the only times ive gotten into a movie since i started really writing cos i look at things differently i view it from a more critical position kind of thing i try to change things in my head what i would do differently n things like that but with this i didnt i got really into it i was on the verge of tears all the way through n it wasnt just tears of saddness it was relief joy everything it was mental but really really good odd hhaha
so tmoz we are having a get together to share cds etc that we got for xmas lol at my house n then we're gunna play on my diseny sing it hahaha should be prettty awesome i am thinking
i recently decided that i wnt kevin jonas to be my big brother!!! yes because hes awesome he is so funny n adorable n i think he'd be the best big brother ever so yeah thats the basic plan kevin jonas is my big brother hahah
Love y'all
Ciao guys!!!!!!!!!
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