this is likely to be a shor blog as i feel like absolute crap... i had an exam today and they put the gas heater and it really really knocked me... my eyes really started stinging and watering and i got really light headed and dizzy then i got a really bad head and lastly ive been feeling sick... its not cool at all lol... i still feel like im gunna pass out n it was this morning my english teacher wnated to send me home but i had maths revision all this afternoon so i didnt want to me n laura just struggled through lol...
n on top of that my stupid guidance councilor type person (i dont know shes not really called that but i cant think of anyother way to describe her) is making me go on this stupid trip tmoz afet my maths exam which i have no intention on going on because i have the maths exam in the same place as my english so ill probs get gassed again... yay urgh
anyway im gunna go write for a while... try n make myself feel better...

i would get a better picture but i really cba lol sorry
love y'all
Ciao guys!!!
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