hey guys!!!
last night was officially the best night of my life on earth so far it was completely and utterly out of this world i am still hyper now hahah lol
we were five rows from the front directly opposite the stage it was craaaaazzzzyyyyyyyy mental frantic awesome incredible amazing wordless wow
Kevin Jonas... The Kevin Jonas... Paul Kevin Jonas.... smiled pointed waved and winked at laura!!!!!! it was amazing she was bouncing about in the aisle with our banner freaking out n he saw her i just looked over at her like :O it was wow lololol she kinda froze n almost dropped her banner on the floor it was crazy!!!!!!!!!
Nick looked at me and elly twice!!!!!! and smiled!!!! you know that speech he does when he plays black keys/a little bit longer? where he says 'this is for all the people who have gone through difficult times, who have broken hearts, who are in pain.... i believe in you that you can do anything because you believe in me.... Dont ever ever ever give up' etc? well me and elly stood up and clapped for him all the way through and while the piano was rotating her actually twisted himself round to look at us and smile!!! i felt soooo proud of us that he had acknowledged our support n so happy that somehow he knew that no matter what hes going through his fans are there for him.... also just after that before they were playing Much Better(!!!!! wowowowow) they were reading signs and not only did nick look over at us again and squint to read mine and ellys sign.... but both our signs came up on the big screeeeens!!!!! Laura n natalie saw i didnt i was like booooooo but heres what laura told me.... they were reading some signs n she looked up at the screen n she thought she saw our banners so she kinda moved the banner she was holding from side to side then realised it was her banner (lol) then it zoomed out slightly so there was just both of our banners so she elbowed natalie who looked up and freaked out n elbowed me n then when i looked up it had gone i was like boooooooo but me and elly were freaking out anyway lol we were bouncing and jumping all the way through lolol it was grrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttt
it kinda doesnt feel real at alll wow even the way home was amazing!!! my knees practically gave way n i was almost falling over all the time lololol then i found everything hysterically funny... it finally hit laura what kevin had done she she busrt into tears.... like serious hysterical sobbing she couldnt stop bless her.... n natalie n elly voices went lolol it was great they sounded like hamsters on helium hahah lolol then we were listening to LVATT and what did i do to your heart came on n the bit that said
You continue to cry
And I just don't know why
What did I do to your heart
What did I do to your heart
Did I break it, apart
Did I break it, your heart
we changed it tooooo
she continues to cry
and we just dont know why
what did he do to your heart
what did he do to your heart
(he broke it 'laura')
Did he smile and wave
did he point at you
lololol it was sooooo funny hahahah lol
anyway best night ever!!!!

these are natalies awesome pictures hahah lolol they're actually are amazing well done Natalie we got some awesome ones on my camera toooo lol natalie got this amazing one of this girls hand which looks like its holding joe!!! hahah some lucky asss girl gotta go up and sing gotta find you (MY FAVE EVER JONAS SONG!!!!! EVER!!!!!!!! GOT THAT EVER????!!!!!) with Joe (MY FAVE JONAS EVER EVER EVER!!!!!!!!) on stage it was so incredibly un fair!!!! i cried not cos i didnt go up im not that sad!!!!
Garbo saw us tooooo and John Taylor and possibly Big Rob!!! who i kinda missed cos i was toooo busy screaming for John n garbo it was great i was like GO ON GARBO.... NO WAY JOHN TAYLOR... .... ... ... OMG ITS BIG ROB lol they played bouce as well not live just a cd but it was awesome lol like the pics!!! lolol
i could ramble on all night cos like i said best night ever!!! but i gotta go
Love y'all and the jonas brothers!!!!!
Ciao guys!!!!
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