Im feeeling awesome atm had a couple of awesome days with some awesome guys!!! whhhooooo
first i had the JB concert where i saw three of my idols live... so close n one of them actually acknowledged my existance which made me feel good they sound soooo brilliant live which was awesome lol
then we had New Moon last night which was amazing!!! whooo it is so mach better than the first film... its funnier the acting is sooooo much better and they dont kill it as much as the first
i say this soooo many time but my friends are my world atm i love em alll but they seem to be kinda expanding there are soo many people in my life atm i couldnt live without...
My twin, Natalie... Elly, who's practically my sister... Elliott, my best boy who i hardly see but is always close to my heart, Laura the artist n my new lessie bessie lolololol... emma, i saved her life... Beth who i know is gunna be sooo much better soon.... My mongrel werewolf friend, Anna... Drummer Chris... Lauren, the RPattz worshipper lolol but theres more than that... Mariah who i love talkin to via our blogs lol n twoo girls who ive just started talking to on twitter @wesupportjemiii n @Nelena4Never... you guys are all awesome n you brighten my day all the time
awww this was turn right!!! it was sweet kevin was great on piano lol
I listened to gotta find you for the first time since the concert today and bawled my eyes out booo lol im no crazy ahaha
Love y'all
Ciao guys!!!
I feel so privelleged to get a mention :L
ReplyDeleteI love you too! :)
And I AM feeling better, how awesome? :D
I NEEEEED to change that pic now. :L