ok so it was ellys bday on thurs n we went out for that meal was pretty good lol and the food was pretty nice and the comapany was well... adequate.. only joking love all you guys loads lol
i felt like such an idiot in that stupid dress n heels grrr.... really uncomfortable... couldnt wait to get home and threw on my team edward tee n black skinnies... so much better lol!!! but hey was only for a couple of hours lol then i got the hell out of it!!! weird cos i couple of years ago i wouldnt been seen dead in skinnies...
then me and natalie slept round at ellys lol so that was lot of fun... we watched green street which was... interesting lol but we didnt sleep til like four five in the morning lol
ive benn out for our family sunday lunch today i think itss become my entire family's mission in life to just embarrass me as much as possible... srsly its impossible to escape... plus people keep trying to touch my hair after ive just spiked it which really pisses me off... really grrrrr!!!!
ive decided im gunna try learning my guitar agian and my mam might be oaying for me to have proper lessons which would be cool but i doubt it... this is going to sound really sad but i was watching a live chat with JB and Kevin was talking bout people teachting themselves guitar and stuff which srsly made me want to retry lol this'll be the first time kevins ever inspired me to do anything lolol im gunna sit in the garage tmoz morning away from distractions and start cos im going to the orthodontics on the afternoon... might be getting my braces off.... if the stupid woman doesnt change her mind again... grrr but yayayay...
so i was like looking through my old docs yesterday n found some songs i wrote what... two three years ago.. luke kinda wanted to see them but i said no way but since then ive kinda changed my mind cos i know they're pathetic so whatever anyone says isnt going to bother me so i decided to let the world see them (figuratively) and post one on here but... yes there's a catch.. i want at least 6 people to leave a comment saying they wanna see one of them before i post it... yes six different people saying yes yes plzz charlie let us see your song... right? which wont happen so i think im safe lol!! but remember this was three years agao i was about 12 or 13 so they are pretty bad.... but its your choice now!!

right remember six comments and then i post my song lol
Ciao peeps!!
Go on then weirdo, post the song..... i don't wanna miss the chance 2 work u