Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Swine Flu? calm down before i give you it!!!!!

hey peeps!!!

so everyone heres panicking bout swine flu which isnt cool... i think its no big deal lol i mean everyones doing stuff to sort it out so we'll all be fine

the weather is horrible here so ive decided that im gunna go live in america lol srsly its much cooler than here so the next time i blog i may be in america that would be awesome!!!! lol!!

so... i got six posts.... which means i have to post the song i wrote... fab... thanks guys

but plus point... i broke my laptop which means i cant post it yet ... yayayayayaya


i gotta go peeps!!!

my bro is going crazy lool

ciao peeps

1 comment:

  1. i like demi. i made people mad with that sentence cuz i said it wrong, so i'll change it! lol!! the wether is really bad here too... but u should still move to US! lol!
    i only know one 3oh!3 song, so i can't say i'm sick of them, but i know the feeling! lol!

    ur friends are just... umm... put nicely, slightly more crazier than mine.lolololol1!!


lemme know what you think... y'all mean the world