ok so i found out why i was feeling so bad last night... i was coming down with some crazy ass cold... i am about to pass out srsly my head keeps spinning and i swear there is a saw or something in my throat everytime i talk it feels like its ripping a hole in it but i cant seem to stop talking lol urgh so uncool well at least i know im not going crazy after last night lol
so i made it thro the school day thinking LVATT would be waiting for me when i got home and guess what? it wasnt... still hasnt arrived i cant believe it soooo annoyed cos i feel like absolute crap and this is just brill... well im just looking at the good points i cant actually sing atm which is a bummer cos i usually sing when i feel down n it cheers me up but now i cant well at least not with out like literally ripping my thoat out so anyway i probs would try n sing along which would be uncool cos i tend to like the use of speech... yeah another point my head is throbbing but i wouldnt really care cos music doesnt affect my headaches a point i have tried to teach my mum repeatedly... but she still refuses to believe... gah...
i also got laura to admit joe is smexy last night whooo yeah they were on radio 1 while in london and he was wearing a beanie and his glasses and laura was like he looks different but good lol n i said i know he looks smexxy n laura actually said i know lol that made me feel better actually all my mates did i love you all... my jonas sisters... elly natalie n laura... my boys... luke n elliott and everyone else lol damn i need to see elliott miss him so much its uncool... srsly the boys are more like my brothers than my friends lol n they're a hell of a lot better than my actual bro who appears to have commandeered the tv atm... git... n the girls well to me they are my sisters love them loads lol... i did this last night telling them all i loved them lol oh well
i think im comfort dressing... is that even possible? im not comfort eating cos im not actually eating anything... but i am comfort dressing if that isnt an actual condition im making it up... im still wearing my Jonas tee but now im in my fave black skinnies and my blue waist coat which i actually had a crazy dream about last night...
basically we were at the concert and i went to the toilet and i managed to get lost n end up backstage which is something only i could do.. n guess who i met yup joe n he was like who are you n i ended up babling n telling him this great long story about looking for the toilet which he laughed at n replied thats cool but i just wanted to know your name n we had this nice convo n he said he liked my waistcoat so for some reason i decided to give him it but he said i couldnt tell nayone bout it which was a bummer when i got back the others were like wheres your waistcoat so i told them id given it to becca n they were like oh cool... n then joe came on stage wearing it n they said i thought you'd given your waistcoat to becca so i said i did n they went well why is joe wearing it... ah lol yeah they basically dedicated Turn right to us n i woke up crying lol... weird n guess what the last thing i watched was last night... mhmm JONAS lol but i also had another freaky dream in which my car caught fire n elly was just sat in it... n when i say my car i dont mean the family car i mean my car lol which i dont know where it appeared from lol

theres the smexxy pic of joe lolol excuse me while i cling to the arm of the couch... wo ive rambled in this post far far too long im really sorry for anybody who has sat n read all of this... oh dear oh well
ciao peeps
n if i never write again its cos ive died
Get Well Soon Charlie Lol, My Jonas Sister Lol x
ReplyDeleteAnd I Did Read It All, I Always Do .... Okay not always but sometimes.
Do You Still Not Have LVATT?? Replyy Soon Love Youu xxx
LVATT is amazing.
ReplyDeletejust saying.
i seriously hope u get better!! its a bummer when people get sick they just aren't themselvez!! lol!
Novemeber, tizz a nice month.
hehe Tizz! lol!'
get well soon.
that was a very long post, and your dream... was amazing! YAY!lol