i havent written in a while lolol been really busy... its been like three days i think i got withdrawal but im back now lol
so me n elly have been recording the show at school for media group n then we were selling mugs t shirts photos n DVDs it was hell on earth so unorganised i basically had to take control of the entire operation lol even our teacher was turning to me for the plan on the first night it was crazy but i kinda calmed down for the other two n natalie even came for the last one n made it almost bearable lol n my old student teacher was there tooo me n natalie did syncronised jaw dropping was sooo funny really hilarious
then today we've been out of school all day been to bishop college did an awesome collage but got it confiscated be my stupid careers teacher... ok so confiscated is a bit over the top... she refused to let me take it home grrrr i was really proud of it tho... but it gave me a really cool idea for both my textiles coursework and for my own collage i might post them all sooooon i love collaging
this afternoon we were at a maths enhancement thingy was pretty gooood lol we were bungy jumping eggs lol was great... but we didnt win our maths was sound but when it came to hit it didnt work... grrr
im sat at home now in my fave shirt and a pair of pj shorts i feel like a bit of a loon but i really couldnt be bothered to but my black skinnies on when its this hot lol my entire families going out in about two hours n i get to stay in by myself until ten so i am planning a pamper session for myself... me n laura were all for having a house party but my mum would hang me... quite literally lol so pamper night it is lolol im gunna try n find a soppy movie stick a face mask on and chill lolol gunna be fun i havent done this for ages lol hang on... arrrrrggggghhhhhh i think my little bro might have just changed my plans... grrr hes supposed to be going swimming but hes been a brat so my mum might not be taking him... my dads already gone to prom.. ok so dont worry he isnt a teenager hes a teacher n gone to his year elevens prom lol...
so my mum told me bout this music festivalat the wekend n i fancied going lol but wasnt sure then when we got to the college we saw a music (technology) teacher and we decided to definitely go... that guy was fiiiiiiine he could literally be the fourth jonas he was great converse n guitars n everything me likey and me n laura n elly are deffo going lol

urgh my bro is definitely not going out... i cant believe this the one flipping time i wanted to get some time to myself then he was to act like a spoilt brat and spoil it all for me ARGH i could cry and scream right now he's such a selfish git AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so amazingly annoyed right now grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
ciao peeps
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