ok so i have no idea what to right about so heres a run through of my day up to now
i got up... watched last nights JONAS... went in the shower... cleaned out my bunny wabbits... wrote half of my french essay while watching disney channel... had lunch... then i hovered and dusted for my mum (yes im trying to be a good little mummys girl in order to get some much needed cash)... right now i should be finishing my esssay... finishing my english essay or revising for one of my many exams next week... but i really cant be bothered and ive got aproximately... five hours before its too late to finish them and the only one i neeeed to get finished for tmoz is my french so by my calculations i have plenty of time... although i havent done maths revision either and im only getting an A so i might be totally out lol...
my mums out right now so ive got a while lol... n even when she gets back ill just tell her i'm satisfying my fans... which consist of about three of my mates lol

oh well ill bung on some music n partay while i do it lol...
Ciao peeps!!!
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