hey guys!!
This may be a long post i have a lot of stuff to write about the past few days
So... Monday was... a long time ago or at least it feels like it, i cant actually remember what happens sooo fast forward to Tuesday
we had a presentation evening at schoool n i was finally getting my head girls badge... so i was sat there with the head boy J righ at the front and we were first up. But he didnt turn up for ages so me and the deputy head boy were sat thinking omg he had better hurry up. Then he strolled in and i was like OMG thank you n he sat down n i had to run through the pln with him again cos he had to leave early cos the idiot was going to a football game. then we got called up he was sat going this is us this is us are you ready? so i let him up first so he couldnt freak me out by telling me not to fall... at the rehearsal he told me if it was anyone else he would have tripped them up i didnt know whether to take that as a compliment or not... if it was anyone else...? but hey i got my badge and my other awards for english etc then it finished n i made sure i knew were my parents were and escaped to stand with natalie n my awesome maths teacher so they couldnt embarrass me. That was really funny we were telling him bout where we were going today which was this driving thing and then i left after telling him the story about my adventures with a segway n he told natalie to tell me to watch out for fences n make sure i get myself back alive... i wasnt sure whether to feel touched or insulted in thee end i just kinda said awwww the idiot
Right so back to today we had a thing called wise drive which was teaching us how to be safe when we learn to drive next year it was crazy awesome cos we actually got to drive a car sure the guy was mostly in control but shhhhh i was up first in our group which was me natalie n laura n he just shoved me straight in the front with no instructions whatsoever i was petrified!! but he said i was really good unlike Laura... she drove straight into a metal fence i swear if the guy hadnt had the ability to brake we would have died then she almost had a head on collision with this other car yeah all i did was hit one cone... so hahah laura... natalie was really good as well except she needs to work on her breaking... lol i think she knew more than us tho... EC was surprisingly good toooo lol
we also had this thing with the fire brigade n emma fainted! she went soo incredible white even her lips went white i was actually scared!! Natalie had hold of her arm holding her up cos she didnt actually fall but she couldnt see or hear so she wasnt responding as soon as her lips lost their colour i got our teacher and she got her to sit down... it was crazy she just snapped straight out of it!!! it was weird then she hopped straight into a car... with EC and another guy i told EC he had to look after her
Ok so confession time... i might kind of be starting to like EC again... I definitely wasnt checking him out while this guy was showing us how to do safety checks on cars!!! sorry lauras fault lol... i certainly wasnt imagining him in a decent pair of skinnies... lol but nvm lol hes an idiot so whatever somehow i did manage to find myself sitting next to him in lunch and the end part thing oh well he is a prat although i do admit i think he would look good in skinnies he has the longest legs ive ever seen hahah and longish hair... ok ok im babbling now so im gunna stop booo natalie n laura are just gunna have a go non stop tmoz but nvm... im trying to think who reads this that i know but i think its just natalie laura elly n beth all the people who know... n oooh but hmm oh well screw him... Natalie today she was parking the car n the guy said to aim for the crowd of people just messing on so i laughed n told her to aim for this guy we both despise n she actually sped up! i was actually a bit shocked lolol!!!

how crazily awesome is this pic look at Nick who whoever took this picture got it just at the right time and Joes hair looks awesome n Kevin looks like hes just like OMG whats going on!!!
lolol... btw what i told you about EC its a secret so shhhhh
Ciao peeps!!!
haha! driving will be especially exciting with pushy... next year..lol!
ReplyDeleteyaya! i luv love drunk! its epic!lol!
(luv that word.. epic...epique...)
i do have a Facebook, so u can send it to me that way if you want, i'm Mariah Umm (umm is not my real last name! lol) my profile picture is a pair of converse, so then if u have a facebook u can send it to me that way, nd if u cant find me on facebook u can email it normally..
tehehehe (my longest sentence!!LOL)