i am getting so bad at writing its not cool... its just cos my laptop is broke and i am sooo busy atm so im gunna apologise i will try n write as often as i can
youtube is apparently down for maintenance boooo
sooo erm... work this morning... theres a girl that works at the vets too n shes pretty awesome lol shes in my year but in a different schoool where some of the people i knew from primary so we were talking about what they are doing now it was coool really funny as well shes really into the same sort of things as me was awesome lol
my mum bought my some new jeans and a new top... the jeans arent just skinny they are skin tight... its like they've been sprayed on itss crazy and the top is awesome but its a weird shape and A is super unflattering and B it looks like a tabard crazy booooo i was gunna take it when we go away this weekend with school... more on that later... but i dunno now it might look ok with my cardi on but i have no idea booo
yayay youtube is up again!!!
anyway this weekend thing... we have a residential revision session in weardale.... (dont worry i dont even know where it is) it should be awesome lol really good.... but it would be even better is my wingwoman laura was coming... booo but anyway i have plans heheh lol
omgosh yesterday at school we were doing chromatography (spelling?) and sir had brought in a load of m n ms n EC (really need a new name) decided it would be funny to shove a load into a bottle of water with some mints... then everyone thought it would be funny to make him drink it and believe me it was he kept going to drink it then not then trying then not then i just went drink it man so he did lol well he took a sip then pulled a face it was really funny... lol than natalies cousin had a drink... nbow she really drank it lol... urrrrgh!

I love this episode of JONAS!!!! Its sooooooo funny!!!! Its A colliiinder... Its a calander its a collinder!!!! whoooooooooooooop
Love y'all
Ciao guys
heyy randomness Xp nice blog. i lurve the house of night series and twilight saga too! Did u read all of the hse of night?