k so i havent been on since saturday cos ive been busy busy busy lol
so on sunday i went to whitby with elly.. such a funny trip was soooooo great lolol
k so it started realy early we went on the train n it left at like five to nine! not cool but we actually managed to get on the train lol and it took like two and a half hours to get to whitby which is like this seaside town in north east england for those who dont know lol so when we got there we had a mooch round shops lol then a stroll down the beach disscussing what it would be like to be married to a Jonas we even had a paddle n wrote charlie n elly jonas in the sand lol we're sad i know then we had fish n chips sat in a car park lol... then we decided to walk up to the abbey which is what inspired Bram Stoker to write Dracula btw! but elly only managed to stand in ice cream yes you read that right elly stood in ice cream... lol it was sooooo funny she was like oooo that was cold.... eeeew i just stood in ice cream!!! was so great i was one the floor after we both recovered we went on a boat ride!!! was awesome lol then we ended up in the amusments and then sat out for a while to wait for our train... when elly decided she needed the toilet and freaked out when she found she had to pay she was walking round shouting at the top of her voice was great then after she payed they opened the free ones! but the best part of the day was the way home... the train was delayed for an hour just outside of whitby so we sat there making up little scenarios again bout being married to the jonas brothers... basically elly was walking elvis while nick made her breakfast.. i had a private island with Joe and Laura and Kevin had a buffalo farm!!! was so funny they had gooffas or w/e the spelling is lol it was so funny me n elly were crying i dont think she could breathe... then we started sticking wine gums to our faces lol we got pictures and for ages everything was about buffalos!!!
but the best time ever was last night... WE WENT TO SEEE THE JB 3D MOVIE BUT NOT ONLY DID WE SEE IT WE WERE THE ONLY ONES IN THE CINEMA!!!!!!!!! WAS SO FLIPPING AMAZING... OR AS NATALIE WOULD SAY THE MOST AWESOME THING THAT HAS EVER BEEN AWESOME IN MY LIFE!! that was bout the glasses tho... anyway going on... we got to sing n scream n dance etc with out any funny looks or being told of was sooooooooo amazing i couldnt talk this morning i sang every song and screamed at joe and i even cried at gotta find you which i dont mind admiting cos its sung by my idol and its the reason i liked the jonas brothers in the first place...how awesome was the version of Goodbye n goodnight we were all like sat there with our mouths wide open... but my fave part has gotta be Burning up... i even sang big robs rap at the top of my voice... n Joe and Kevin on the drums? how awesome was that? and yes it even beat quick change part lol... although that was pretty awesome... natalie kinda sang but didnt join in screaming with me elly n laura lol... she was a little calmer... lol the 3D bit was a little scary the sunglasses bit was awesome but the pigeons in love is on its way freaked me out i srsly dodged out of the way!!! was crazy!! but so amazing srsly we went out singing... was great srsly i loved it i cant imagine what im gunna be like at the real concert... im gunna be reeallly reallly hyped!!!!!

so amazing wanna go back lol... joe was sooooo great... so were nick n kevin tooooooo!!! they were all awsome!!! n Big Rob!!! N John Taylor laura!! Its John Taylor!!!!
Ciao peeps!!!!