i was thinking... that was a really bad thing to post yesterday as the first picture of me on here.. i looked really bad... oh well done now
ok so i had a really girly morning today... i got up at about half eight.. watched the new Jb video (which is awesome btw... the bit at the end when the multiple kevins run down the street and Joe's like who are they? lol so amazing) anyway then i sat and watched re runs on disney channel until bout half ten then went in the shower then sat ing my room in like practically only a tee and a wasitcoat and did my nails with a face mask and listened to songs bout love n breaking up lol!!
then we went to tescos and have you ever really studied what other people are wearing when you go out? well i did it was weird there was like a load of old women in maxi dresses and then a load of chavs... god i hate chavs... there was this one n he was wearing like three quater length trackies then white socks n trainers and a white vest and pushing a push chair.. i was thinking god that kids gunna love his dad... then i thought well actually he probs will cos he'll be brought up as a chav and his dad will probably be his idol... like the biggest chav alive kinda thing... and then there was a load of like 'pretty girls' in like denim shorts and perfect make up and huge pink sunnies... then like a load of goths hanging round outside in direct sunlight dressed only in black... then there was me like right in the middle... not off like the chavs n old women but the goths n the girls in my black skinnies n pink top lol i wonder what would be in the middle of old women and chavs.... like an old women in like some clapped out vauxhall with rave pounding out lol that would be funny to see lollololol
my mum bought me some pink quartz crystal that she said would help me with my stress... i couldnt see it lol but then i was having an argument with her and she was like crystals... n you're supposed to like turn it over and over in your hand so i did n they are actually really good lol!! im like addicted
ok so my fave song for today is... Talyor Swift - Fearless.. i feel like such a traitor but its an awesome song oh dear but how awesomes the new JB one... Fly with me the one thats one Night at the museum 2 (which they star in BTW) i love the lyrics to secs
chasing stars and losing shadows
peter and wendy turned out fine
so why wont you fly with me
oh yeah gunna fly with me tonight
i love that lol... its awesome

this was in brazil.. obviously so its kinda new lol... elly and natalie will like that glimpse of leg from Nick lol oh i didnt tell you that new girl at guides is a Nickgirl so im even more outvoted now grrrr
ciao peeps!!!
Elly will be happy right? Calves... omg.. lol "he has nice calves" rofl, who looks at calves? :D:D:D:D