have i ever told you guys i love the jonas brothers?! like srsly love them... im always always always complaining bout how the usa gets evrything before the uk... then jb announces they are realeasing their new album on the same day in the two!!!!!! how awesome are they? srsly srlsy love them a lot... and we are going to see them in november... i say are cos we are doesnt matter if we dont get tickets we are lol... love u elly love u natalie love u laura... you guys rock and cant wait for the concert...
i hate my mam... i was all geared up to go to whitby today really looking forward to it i love whitby its awesome amazing love it but when i woke up she'd decided to take my stupid dweeb of a brother out already before i was even up so i didnt get to go to whitby and im annoyed... she let me pick the take away tonight which i think was trying to make up for it grrr
i had a really insecure day today... i srsly hate everything bout myself... my hair my shin my body my style my entire attitude... i sat for most of the day in some grey sweats and my team edward tee... then i forced my self to get dressed... in my fave clothes i even put my contacts in but i still feel like crap... i feel a re jig coming on i always feel like this before i do something major... like when i had all my hair cut off
lol... that sounds more like a break down lol but trust me its not lolol!!!

yet another awesome JB pic lol!!! do they ever take bad ones lol??!!
Ciao peeps
OMJ Charlie! Go Bald! But After The Concert...I don't think I could be seen in public with you....joking I love you really. But seriously, break down or what! LMaoo