so eurovision last night... THE COUNTRY I BACKED WON!!!! whooooo go me but i usually watch it with elly n beth but we didnt organise it in time this year so i had to watch it with my family boooo not cool... next year we have to organise it early cos if i have to watch it with my little brother next year i will throw myself out of a window grrr
ok so today i realised... we're going to see jonas brothers in november.... with Demi Lovato and Honor Society.... but ive never listened to honor society... so i sat literally all last night listening to them and to be quite honest they're bloody good lol... been going round the house singing see you in the dark at the top of my vioce lol they rock lol srsly awesome... but i cant find anywhere to downlaod their music from... grrrr very uncool... if anyone knows plzzzzzzzz tell me before i go crazy lol srsly....
speaking of the concert i went crazy at my bro the other day lol while watching sonny with a chance... like half way through i all of a sudden clicked that we were going to see her live so started running round in circles... going omg shes gunna be here we're gunna be like here n then shes gunna be here... ect my bro got pretty freaked lol
so i was bored today and ended up dragging my old college out lol ive nearly finished it as well lol i decided to stick it down and everything lol its gunna look awesome when its finished lol ive got one half done lol n im guna do the other half after dinner lol.... when im finished ill take a pic n ill post it lol its gunna look awesome ive just gotta find somewhere to put it next... hmmmm thats a hard one lol

this is the other pic that was with the one yesterday lol not quite as good (or bad where my knees are concerned lol)
ciao peeps!!!!!!
OMJ!! wut magazine r those pics from?? cuz... i like them... (hehehe)
ReplyDeletei luv collaging too!yay!