so ive kinda broken my ipod my water bottle leaked all over my bag but when i found it it had already drenched my ipod which now isnt working... but never fear people i have a three year guarantee which includes 12 monhs accidental damage cover!!! whoop!! means i get a new one although... i lose all the pics i had saved on mine which is kinda uncool but ill just have to start collecting again... whoop
so im supposed to be tiding my room atm but ive done most of it then i got bored so came on ,y laptop to watch that fanfiction on youtube... i didnt cry this time just got really really angry when there was no more episodes it was a really bad moment to stop but grrr i guess i can hold out for like a day...if there are none tmoz i might get a bit angry tho lol..
ok so ages ago we were being kinda sad n mixing our names with JB it came out with some really funny results... ok mine wasnt that funny... Jarlie Joe... lauras was Kaura Jetts.... n natalies was Natalie Jalsh lol... but elly's... elly's was by far the funniest one of the best things i have ever come out with... Nelly Jewcastle!! How great it that?? i think its hilarious! really funny but she doesnt really like it... although im sure if she was going with nick she wouldnt mind it... she probably wouldnt mind anything lol

how cool do they look i hope they won whenever it was lol they look awesome n joes hair looks smexy too laura!!
ive been sat for the past age doing quizes on twitter lol its awesome
i should pack for hols now
Ciao peeps!!!
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