yes ive finally got my laptop back my mum gave me it back cos ive been made head girl at school... yay yeah its pretty cool and i kinda wasnt expecting it cos its basically a popularity contest but yeah i got it so yup
ive been getting withdrawal srsly being without my laptop has been like hell on earth argh but luckily i still had my ipod so ive been updating on twitter like crazy!!! like really really crazy if youve been reading my tweets at the sidea you'll understand lol but i needed to ease my withdrawal lol
ok so this week erm well we had sports day then it started raining so it got canelled half we through so we had sports day the day after as well Natalie won for our house on dicuss whoo congrats natalie and beth came second on 800m for our house whooo congrats beth and well... i didnt come last... lol
i also finally got to go see elliott as well this week i missed that boy so much but it was great to see him again it started raining but we all went to ellys and rocked out on lips... i kept making everyone redo Shake it cos i love that song lol!!! yayay it was so much fun just chilling with elly n natalie n getting to see elliott again i know hes not reading this but he will always be my main man no matter what lol
then yesterday me n emma n becca went swimming with guides which was really fun had a blast emma kept kidnapping my leg tho so she was kinda dragging me round hopping on one leg which was reallly funny lol n then me n becca disowned emma cos she is soo thin so she disowned us for having boobs lol then weall reowned each other which was funny lol we had a convo bout how me being headgirl is like a war against the plastics then got onto talking bout what clique we were in we decided on the kinda inbetweeners... the people who dont have a clique so they make their own lol
so tonight we are going to see Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince and to have a meal to celebrate me getting head girl and also to celebrate my parents 20th wedding anniversary yay it might be fun lol well been looking forward to seeing the film for a while lol tbh id prefer to go with my mates tho but i guess it aint gunna happen
i also got a new pair of glasses cos my others were kinda beaten up and dead lol so i got some new ones which are taking a lot of getting used to... MY RAY BANS CAME AS WELL they are so amazingly sexy i love them so much they are like my most favourite n prized possession.. ok along with my ipod... my guitar... my converse but still very prized
this is an old picture and nick is dead... no hes not really dead please dont kill me elly or natalie...
Ciao peeps!!
Hiyahh Hun <3
ReplyDeleteI take swimming was good then am suprised yah didnt flip when some one mentioned yah chest lmao.
Any way just to let yah know Metro Station are on T4 in the beach tomoro if yah wanna watch channel 4 at 2pm a fink.
An yal probably already know but did yah know its nick who plays the drums for battlefield on their tour lmao cos a the visdeo a was watching it only sjows joe do that fing wii his leg lmao n then a found another one where nick is drumming lol.
And i hoop harry potter was good lmao i wanna go and see it lmao s let es no wat its like lmao and thankyou for metioning my win in discus lmao.
Neways am off to get ready to watch lee evans lmao.
Bye Bye xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <3