so Kevin J is officially engaged to his gf danielle and i personally believe laura is in denial... bless her she adament dani (i cant be bothered to write her full name) doesnt actually exist poor girl... i woke up this morning n checked twitter n there was a tweet from joe n nick saying welcome to the family dani i just thought crap they've actually got married and im going to have to tell laura... great but then it was on the news that they were just engaged which made it a bit better... a bit
i am actually in the same outfit... rocking the purple n orange again... its nicer today not humid at all just nice and hot i really need to get some fake tan or something on my legs pale as milk oh dear
OMGGG!!!!! NOT COOL!!! natalie just found my ray bans!! MY RAY BANS!!! yes my white gorgeous sexy sunglasses £30... £30 srsly and guess what my parents are being stupidly stubborn and going on and on about my behaviour and school stuff n everything... do i think im doing well at school... no im only top of my year in like almost everything urgh sooo annoyed right now.... this could take a while... im gunna sit n mope.. lok at my glasses n sigh heavily... hopefully itll work i told natalie that i might just buy them n screw my parents but id probably be grounded for about erm... my life? aararraraghhghghh oh dear this is uncool... the last part of my outfit cos i won over my converse... this is the last thing im gunna want for ages and im even gunna pay for them myself grrrr
i 'accidently' dropped a metal hook into my dads rice earlier... the hook was there and so was this pan of rice... n i might have slipped... no really i did slip i really didnt mean to wish i had the way hes acting now grr
so nearly everyones back now ellys back from london she say Johnny Depp like literally saw him in person wowow... natalies back from teeside she had fun... lauras back from her course she didnt enjoy it but she brought back some amazing art... she'll kill me for saying that lol and beths back tmoz from her music course... she's really enjoyed it playing music all day
and BINGO!! my mum has pulled through eventually ive got my glasses... should be here within a week!! whooo
see those glasses Joeys wearing? they're gunna be on my face soon... well not those exact ones but you know what im trying to say
ciao peeps!!!
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