ive been at school late again and i have a bad head and a bad eye... i was in french before break and i hicuped and kinda smacked my head realy hard of the wall... was uncool really uncool cos my head is still hurting but hey im curled up at home now with my jonas teee on yayayay
theres this little kitten up my daddys allotment and he wont go and get it... i feel soooo bad like really bad that poor thing me n my mum are trying to bribe him with chocolate but he aint budging grr im gunna feel so guilty tonight... grrr stupid man grrrrrrr
been trying to learn how to curl my hair youtube rocks... gunna retry it before i go to bed should be cool if i can get it done for weds... we're going out for the day in durham and i can bet this guy i used to like will be there so i kinda dont wanna go looking like i just got dragged through a hedge backwards that would be not cool... n with my stupid eye i will so be wearing mascara and eyeliner lol
i want that kitten... if i convice him to get it im gunna call it joe... at the vueery least im gunna nickname it Joe... cos we have a kevin and a nick we desperately need a joe then we can take them all to the concert lol that would be great...

i dont know why i put that picture on today... congrats to him hope he enjoyed his engagement party maybe thats why... or maybe its to cheer laura up although she is still in denial... or maybe its just cos i felt like it i feel bad for kinda leaving him out...
saw an awesome video of joe falling on stage in the bows it was hilarious he was like bowing and the loor was lowering andhe just disappeared it is hilarious... watch it peeps type bowing joe falls into youtube n its the first result lol
ReplyDeleteomg! get the kitten!! i'm on kitten's side! yay! lol! (if it was some angry gtrowling tiger who was going to bite ur head off, then i could understand ur dads decision...)
umm.. well, at leats kevins happy about getting married! lol!
silly, ranting is for when your mad! soo be better soon! loL!