So T4 on the beach was amzing!! Metro Station totally rocked that stage even in the rain... they looked and sounded amazing!!! they were awesome really really awesome they were easily the best there better than all the rest!!! srsly me n natalie were sat having this huge massive convo on twitter about it was hilarious lol... srsly soo funny lol love her so much we ended up having convos bout our sunglasses lol cos she has got a red pair like mine lol so now not only is she my crazy science buddy she also my erm... shades sister...? hmmm that could be better lol i think but hey lol
ive been reading another fan story thing online its really really good srsly im like obssessed with it crazy its made me cry now oh dear im going now cos i actually am sobbing

just a little something to help me dry my tears lol...
Ciao peeps!!!
Hiyahh Hun <3
ReplyDeleteOkay so what story yah been watching now that has made you cry lol yah seriously need to stop watchin them lmao all they o is make yah cry.
I know metro station were like so awesome only they could look that awesome in the peeing down rain lmao. Have yah seen the latest twit pic lol it was takin after they performed on T4 on the beach cos they wearing the same clothes lmao.
Okay so it seriously getting rediculous lol everyone wants me ray bans look lol here is the list.
Claire,jackie,Mandy,Shannon,Carol,Sue,Susan lol and weirdly Peter as well lmao but they aint gonna get em lmao.
And i quite like the idea of being yah Sunglasses sister lmao and your crazy science buddy lol av bin that like since when September lol and now we only have 3 days left at school and then we year 11s lol a cnt believe it lmao.
Anyways am off am gonna go and watch Bride Wars a fink lmao. Bye Bye xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
metrostation were so so bad, was a joke mate