guess what guesss what?? me elly beth and natalie are going to an all time low concert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whoooooooo yes be jealous be very jealous.... it was kinda crazy we were just talking about it then natalie got the tickets last night i dont think i actually realised until today thats how crazy n spur of the moment it is lololol they are being supported by the friday night boys who i adore so im really realllllly excited atm roll on september the 25th lolololol
so been shopping today elly bought us all starbucks... we all felt sooooo american lololol and i got some new make up n hair stuff n elly just bought everything i really fancy a decent pair of biker boots lol... like srsly lol
then we went out and hit Junction5ive for a while... man it was bloody freezing tonight and me natalie n beth were out till half nine waiting to see natalies bats n kinda all huddled up on the floor trying to stay warm listening to music on beths ipod in natalies speakers lol i never did see the bats lolol but i froze my backside off walking home!!
OMG when we were out i saw a guy with the most amazing tee on it said 'sex drugs and sausage rolls' i want one so bad lolol but my dad would literally murder me... srsly lolol 

All time low!!!!!!!! soooooooon wowowowowo LIVE WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO can't wait... below is ATL VS FTSK.... now that would be one hell of a concert... im also pretty bummed Honor society arent supporting JB over here cos i got really into them and now they arent boooo

i love this picture i know its old but it always makes me laugh... its like OMJ WHERES THE REST OF JOE GONE??! lolol its funny
you guys all have to follow one of my best friends new blog her name is Beth and i completely left her out of my post before but i love her to bits and she is most definitely one of my girls so im really sorry beth n here goes... shes crazy funny and mad but we all love her lol shes not a JB fan but you all have to let her off cos shes so amazinglty awesome in every other way... shes recently lost a friend toooo so yall have to go follow her make her feel better lolol but until then we're all here for you beth sooo follow her... whoooo
ciao peeps!!!!
you got all time low tickets??? what?? OMG! i'm am completely jelous! lol! i'll get over there.. i'll swim, i guess if i start now, i'll be there by!
ReplyDeletemmm... i actually haven't heard any Friday Night Boys stuff, i see them on Glam Kills and everything, i guess i'll look them up!
my "stupidly long summer vacation" (lol) ends in four days...eww.. lol!
yepp, lol im jelous!!
ReplyDeletei'll check Friday Night Boys out!