soooo im home sweet home!!
been one hell of a week down in cornwall been raining all week and the one day it was sunny i managed to burn my knees and my ankles... no not my legs just my knees and my ankles yeah thats just how great i am lol
i spent a lot of money down there as well... nearly a hundred quid actually lol bought metro stations and FTSKs album, a new necklace, a new pair of earings, a load of magasines, miley cyrus' book (i know kinda sad but i wanted it n it was really interesting), a load of pressies, i cant remember what else must have been something
My daddy bought me the most beautiful necklace for being made head girl i havent got it yet though... says he's waiting for the right moment... weird man grrrr
so while i was away i kept in touch with natalie she was awesome kept me up to date with everything included that demi n trace had split up which i was bummed about they made an awesome couple but also that Joe and Camilla had split up i feel really sorry for Joey cos he's obviously really cut up about it but hes better of without her she was a cow and now he can find someone who deserves him i heard he strated crying in their concert after he broke up with her... apparently during Much Better but definitely during gotta find you OMGOSH if he cries during gotta find you at Newcastle i will be bad srsly i wont be able to stop i cry at that song already (dont ask why) but if he cries i will be absolutely horrendous grr lol
i adopted a baby lobster the day after Joe n Camilla broke up so i named him joey lol he was soo tiny and adorable... heres a pic lol
so Segways... i dont really like them at all... i mean they're cool and everything but very difficult to stop heres what happened to me lol ... I was a bit nervous so the guy put me directly behind him cos i was having a bit of a trouble stopping so when he told me to stop again i panicked ended up hitting a curb, rebounded of the curb, hit the opposite curb, went over that curb and started rolling down a hill on the side of the path... obviously i was panicking and had no idea what to do so i was just repeating 'Not good, not good, not good' while this instructor was watching lol... but then he jumped of his segway and stopped me before i hit anything... namely a bush or fence so yeah that was good lol normally clumsy Charlie lol but i was talking to the guy afterwards and he said he was impressed with how long i held on for cos it i was real rough track n i just clung on for dear life lol but he said he was just watching me wondering where the track went n i was like well thanks lol but it was... well an expirience lol.. everyone kept asking me if i was ok but i was actually more worried about the segway lol... n then i almost broke my neck buying the guys' presents btw boys are hard to buy for n you guys had better be grateful cos i nearly broke my neck getting you presents lol... my girlies not so much... got yours at the zoo... so yeah lol

so Ciao peeps!!!
p.s you should check this out it made me laugh so bad lol
lol hilarious
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