omgosh its been such a fantastic two days!! Ive just been hanging with my girls lol its been awesome
yesterday me natalie and laura helped elly paint her room that was soooo much fun lol we ended up writing the jobros names up our arms and putting hand prints all over each other but elly was the best she had a hand print on her boob so we wrote nick jonas on her chest and then an arrow pointing to the hand print it was hilarious at one point i was on the windowsill painting higher up and i fell and knocked all the stuff of the shelf including her ipod but i caught it!! but i didnt i had my hand out trying to save myself and it landed on my hand i was bad it was awesome lolol but part from that i think we did i bloody good job
then beth came over (after wed finished mind) lol but laura went in so we al went home and had a shower then went back out and get this we created the next Youtube phenomenon (dont know dont care)... JUNTCION5IVE!! ok so its not exactly up and running yet but it will be soon and its gunna be sooo awesome... its just me natalie beth and elly goofin off but its really good and pretty funny ill let you know when we set it up then you all have to do me a favour n go watch our videos and make us a hit ok? tah peeps i love you lol
today weve been at natalies having a movie day it was awesome i love you guys so much we watched shallow hal hair spray and then part of Greenday live somewhere n then we went n had tea and then spent some more time making videos there was this awesome one where we set my phone of to record and then just sat there talking n chatting bout nothing in particular its gunna be great when we get them uploaded
its now almost two in the morning over here lol n im still here blogging away well actually i can on this early to work on a story im writing i like writing at this time its awesome little creepy but awesome lol
my parents are dragging me off camping tmoz... or i guess its today lol but yeah we#re going to the lake district whooo gunna be so much fun... i hope you guys can sense the sarcasm there i am not looking forward to it at all its only one night though should be able to cope fingers crossed...

Ciao peeps!!!
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