yesterday was one hell of a day
so me and elly had a wander down to Bishop... yes we walked lololol but it was cool i think i got like some headphones but ey ran into apparantly the sexiest emo guy ever... and yes i mean ran into she literally walked into the poor guy when she was coming out of the toilets in macdonalds... i never saw him booooo cos she wouldnt let me go back n see him booo you elly
then we got my mum to give us a lift home so we were back in time for the Jonas Brothers live chat on facebook... comment me if you were watching it toooooo
but my stupid laptop wouldnt work so i had to get my mum to speed round to Natalie and i crashed there to watch it natalie you are an absolute star dunno what id do without you twin id already sent my question in via twitter so it was all good lol
but heres the best bit.... NICK READ OUT A MESSAGE NATALIE SENT IN!!! they asked a question like who is going to be our special guest and we sent in honor society.. we were the only ones to send honor society i n and he laughed and said Honor society... no! Me and Natalie flipped out it was crazy the rest of it was sooo funny like when Joe forgot the lyrics to Hey Baby and then acted out Catch Me by Demi Lovato and when they had a convo about sideburns coughLauracough it was really great lol
then when it was over elly came round and we had a regular little party and i got a little hyper i was like bouncing all over the place... i dunno if anyone has seen that video of JB when they were really young and having an interview and Joes just bouncing about in the background? well anyway for those who have thats what i was like
and then later on Natalies mum asked if we wanted to sleep so we said yeah and went to grab some stuff and on the way back to natalies we bumped into some of the lads from our year and they were absolutely out of their heads it was sooo funny at one point one of them rugby tackled the other and they were both laid on the floor and one was laughing and the other wasnt so we were kinda worred for a while cos he wasnt moving then he just kinda mumbled 'penis' n we were like oh hes ok and walked off lol
then natalies mum came home and she was a little drunk lol and she wanted to watch Finding Nemo that was hilarious... the best was when she was going on bout watching Nemo and eating fish fingers... me and elly were bad lol
then we went to bed and watched My Best Friends Wedding and some Live At the Apollo...
Goooooood day
and today i got my ipod whooooop but im not allowed it til i have my rooooom sorted and we also went to see some kittens and we are gunna get them once they have had theur injections whoooooooo i am in a very goooood mooood lol

i like joeys top its like green n coooool lolol
right im going apparantly i have to make my bedlol
ciao peeeeeeeeeps
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