ok so im feeling absolutely fantastic atm lololol i am loving how i look for once lol my fave shirt over the top of my atl tee and my super tight black skinnies... if i was going out i would pull on my bootss lol awesome outfit lol my new fave... my hair is behaving itself n actually has some life n my make up is even looking great.... Im not at school so i dont have to deal with any crap or anything like that and i had an awesome morning at work so im happy happy happy!!! whooowooow
lolol at work i was working with one of the nurses who works with serious operations n she was working on changing bandages lol so she got me to help hold the dogs...but oh no it wasnt a spaniel like the actual nurse helped with... i had to hold down a flipping german shepard which i was warned could wake up at any moment i was petrified lol but i was cool n i relaxed after a while n i was asking loads of questions n i learned a lot it was greatt
n then i went for a look round the shops while i was waiting for my daddy to pick me up n i found this gorgeous top in new look... it was just what i was looking for... tight round my boobs then it hangs down n gathers again under my hips n its made of black silky material which is gorgeous n its just perfect my mummys on bout getting it for my bday
speaking of my bday i got my mummy to sort out my sleepover so now i might have it cos she was being a bit of a cow about the kittens but we've got i sorted now... shes also booking me in to get a deep cleanse, eyebrow wax (sorry anna) and my hair done the day before lolol n shes on bout getting me a new phone everybodies getting me surprises... beth is organising something with natalie and elly... n its very annoying cos i hate surprises... grrr but nobody will tell me... ugh its my sixteenth lol in just over a week n the only thing i know for deffo i am getting is a pair of converse cos i ordered them lolol its very annoying grrr

demi looks sad... booo HOW AWESOME WOULD IT BE IF JEMI GOT TOGETHER... sorry i want jemi lol.... the only thing that could beat jemi is jarlie... or j-one of my friends lol... but srsly lol jemi ftw lol how awesome is that bounce video thing lolol
its soooooooooooooooooooooo funny check it out.... i spotted joe straight away n demi n big rob obvs but it took me ages to realise i was nick but they are alllll soooooooooooooooo funny hahahahah
Love y'all
Ciao guys!!!!
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