i really like pe we dont actually so pe anymore its just a lesson where we get to goof off and mess on its coool take today we were supposed to be playing badminton lol... we didnt lol we messed on Natalie was the best... am i am i ami... throw it in completely the wrong direction....
it is very possible that my twin has swine flu... which would be very possiibly unccoooool nooooo my twin cant have flu... she supposed to stay off school if she has flu systems which she does but shes refusing as we have exams in 5 weeks so she wants to come in but boooo get well sooooon natalie!
we also have an exam the day after the Jonas brothers concert which is suckish but nvm is only multiple guess n its science my strongest subject plus theres always resits lolol yup
my maths teacher randomly showed up at my re lesson today possible cos my re teacher is his wife... but nvm natalie roped him into working with us n it was funny hes one of my fave teachers lol n he somehow got hold of my ipod n was playing random songs n he thought i had a porn playlist cos he thought natalie said porn n not fall cos hes going deaf god love him lololol....
i am super tired n super bored so im gunna find a picture n then go lol

n i really want this one toooo... hmmm a friend of mine is going to the miley/metro staion concert in manchester.... me = jealous i might bribe her or see if its on hot topic or something ... plan lol#
Boys like Girls and CobraStarship are touring together!!!! How amazing a show would that be? it would be absolutely out of this world!!!!!
Love y'all
Ciao guys!!!
Lol! it's cool that ur teacher reads ur playlists and thinks its about porn, if any of my teachers said that, i would have like night mares..lol! my teachers are strange though, never a boring dayloL!
ReplyDeleteomg! i'm sorry! lol! be proud of being a crazy fangirl! i like ur confidence!loL!
yes haters should die! (but Infatuation, a japanese single realesed by JB has like this short thing about fire falling from the sky, so it could be tied into the end of the world, but JB sound very cool in Japanese!lol!)
it was a great concert!yaya!
yay! lol i look forward to chatting with you!