ok ok so after a year of tireless compaigning my efforts have paid off and the JOEHAWK is back whoooop peeps!!!

Soooooo... family meal today where they all surprised me with a huge chocolate cake and a nice old sing song.... i swear to god i nearly died... i went n grabbed my meal... (carvery) n then got back n there was this great huge cake on the table i was like omg kill me now i said that if they started singing i was just gunn walk away... so when they started they practically had to pin me down i was mortified cos everyone in the restuarant was watching us... i hate surprises... its not even my birthday till tuesday GRRRR Lauras got my pressie... natalie n beth do my parents nn fraser do... everybody does n they wont tell me.... i hate surprises!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrr
My dad is annoying me sooooo much he treats me so differently from my brother. He's always so over protective and in my business all the time where with fraser he just lets him do what he want its really unfair my mum says its cos im his little girl... im flipping well not im 16 on tuesday im sick of his treating me like a fiive year old..... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr hes always checking up on me allllllll the time argh
well im off hes getting at me again to do my chores... grrr
Love y'all... i want comments about JOEHAWK pleases
Ciao guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ur right, it does make him look younger, i like it this way or the curly way, either way... <3333!!! (i just don't like the tank top.. something about guys in tank tops... not cool.. 4me)
but he is soo notorious for his hair, i think he looks good with almost anything he does.. (i just didn't like the really long straight thing he did around the begining of 2008)
ohh.. a rock opera, i never even thought of that... (yay)
okay, i'll need to start casting fat old ladies in viking helmets with black fingernail polish and blue hair in order to make this worklol..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!