Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Broke My Mascara Noooooo!!!

hey peeps!!!!

OMG i broke my mascara this morning!!!!! snapped the handle of the wandy type thing!!!! not cool!!!! my fave blue barry m mascara as well!!!! not cool at all!! luckily i managed to salvage it!!! yey!!! so sort of cool!!!!

Nd Jacob is now my big cuddly teddy bear!!! lol!!! bless him!!!! he's big and cuddly!!!!

i was out of lessons all day today!!!! doing media with elly!!!! lol!!! ah this is the life!!! lol!!! my teacher is a right weirdo!!! she said hello to someone who wasn't there.... woooooo scary!!!!

wow i love this picture!!! sexy Joe!!! sexy sexy Joe!!!!! sexy sexy sexy Joe!!!! lol

Ciao peeps!!!

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

I think Taylor Swift is Growing on me!!!! Kill me now!!!

Hey peeps!!!

so i had an arguement with beth today bout taylor swift cos she says that i only dislike her cos she went out with joe when she knows i didn't like her way before that!!! but beth likes her and i know this is practically blasphemy but i'm getting to like her music!!!!! not her but her music is... kinda alright!!!!!!! arghh i'm going against all my morals and stuff!!!! arghh

So me laura and these two lads in my ict class were talking bout you know those stupid corny chat up lines!!!! it was soo funny!!! i'm not going to put any on here cos most of my faves were quite rude!!!! but if you wanna know any put pick up line in google!!!! it was so funny!!! i think if someone actually used any on me it would work!!! cos i would just burst out laughing!!! and if a guy can make me laugh then he's half way there lol!!!!
we had a party commitee meeting!!! lol we ended up lying round in my room laughing bout random stuff lol!!! we got practically nothing done!!!! lol!!!! actually we got nothing done!!!!
Plus 90210!!! omg it's sooooo amazing i love it i've seen like one episode and i love it!!! and not just cos kellans in it cos he's got like 3 scenes!!!!!! lol!! comment if you like it!!!!!!!!!

Don't ask why i've put this on i don't know myself i think that its for laura so there you go laura!! Kevin with straight hair!!! lol!! btw laura... JOE Nick Kevin

Ciao peeps!!!!!

Monday, 26 January 2009


OMJ!!! I heart this show! It rules.
Just a lil recap

Annie and Dixon are these two Kansas kids and they move to Beverly Hills where their dad is the new principle at the school they go to.
So...they go and there's this girl that gets to show Annie "around", she's called Naomi and she's like the "it" girl. So she's going out with this fittie Ethan, who actually cheats on her but he doesn't know why. Yehh a crud excuse I know but still he's fit. But yehh you can so tell that Annie likes him, but she's going out with this guy called Jason from Kansas but he breaks up with her. And I'm quickly running out of time to write this and it's making me extra impatient.
So in the long run....Kellan Lutz...(who for some reason that I cannot unde
rstand...does not get a mention on the opening title credits) who plays the totally lush lacrosse josck, George, is like totaly gawjus and he's awesome!!!
So heres the cast. I still cannot understand why the hottest character has been knocked off it. He's so awesome. Now I'm gunna shut up becuase I bet you guys think I babble. I really do need to stop babbling because people are going to start talking. Not that the average person does not talk because in the long run we all do actually talk unless we are mutes. ELLY SHUT UP YOU LOON!!

Yehh If you watched it please tell me what you think of it becuase if Charlie hasn't watched it then I have no reason to babble constantly about it unless some body else watched it and that makes me deprived of my daily natter, so if you watched it please let me know.

Byeee Love Elly xx <3*

Kevin Burped... ... I Swear!!!!

Hey peeps!!!!
so natalie's read Twilight wooh now she can't get angry at us for talking bout it!!! .... now she just gets angry when we don't lol!!!! srsly we were playing badminton with bob and her and we were just trying to play and natalie turns round and goes how come when i haven't read twilight it's all you talk about but as soon as i have you shut up!!!!! lol so then we had to sart talking bout twilight lol

Kevin burped today i swear!!!! i was just absent mindedly watching him and all of a sudden he opened his mouth and let this little bubble of air out!!! i swear he did but of course no one believed me!!! and my science teacher even said that it would be possible for him to burp but it would be water so that must have been when he breathed above water (cos he's an amphibian) and then for some reason released it!!! but that's long and confusing... so he burped right!!!!!!

i don't know why that's stuck itself over there lol but it'll have to do!!!
i don't think kevin suits cardis!!! Joe does nd i've never seen nick in one but sorry but kevin looks a little bit silly!!!
but joe just suits everything lol!!!!
Ciao peeps!!!

Sunday, 25 January 2009

I am not a Fashion slave!!!!

Hey peeps!!!!

so i went out with my fmaily for sunday lunch again today!! it's become a bit of a thing for us!! lol!!

But anyway that's not the point.... my parents and my aunt all ganged up on me and said i was a slave to fashion!!!!!!!!!! i am soo not a slave to fashion!!!! i mean i wear converse and not just baseball boots but thats bout it!!!! i mean at the moment almost my entire outfit came from tescos or asda!!!!!!! and the only branded clothes i actually do have are my converse!!!!! I don't try to fit in.... i try to be myself!!! i had my hair cut short because everyone had long straight hair!!! i hate rave or dance music!!!! i've kept my hair natural when everyone was dyeing it!!!! i wear odd converse because i feel like it for gods sake!!!!! i don't even try to stand out i just want to be myself!!! anybody who says i'm a slave to fashion who tries to fit in needs their head checking!!!!

So yeah that annoyed me!!!!!!!!!!!!

i was in tescos with my mam today so i was looking in this hair magazine for ideas for the party i opened it to a random page and this totally awesome style was right slap bang in the middle of the page it's almost exactly what i wanted!!!! it was freaky and my mam practically forced me to buy it lol!!!!! i'm taking it to school 2moz to get my mates opinions so natalie and Laura if you're reading this.... be prepared!!!! lol

Now elly and natalie would like this picture it's in the right order for them - Nick Joe Kevin!! lol!!!

Speaking of Kevin.... i know our kevin the axelotl knows who i am i swear he does!!! i go over and say hi to him and he comes swimming over to the side and practically waves at me!!! lol!! and Laura i do not have a Kevin face!!!!!!

ciao peeps!!!!

Saturday, 24 January 2009

Awesome Twilight Vampire Crazy Fancy Dress Party!!!!!

Hey peeps!!!!
ok so i'm allowed to talk about Twilight now wooo!!! i'm quite proud of myself i think i did well!!! i'm not going to talk about the book too much cos like i said yesterday we finally managed to get natalie to read it nd i don't want to spoil it for her!!!

but i can tell you the very awesome thing that we've got planned!!!! you might not think thats its cool but we deffinatly do lol!!! so me and elly worked out that twilight be coming out on dvd over here sometime round her bday in april so we're going to have a vampire party for when it comes out!!!! i know incredibly sad but i don't really care i think it's awesome!!!!! we're all going dressed up as the characters from the book!!! nd before you ask no i'm not going as bella i refused i'm not getting branded as her for god knows how long!!! no i'm going as Alice!!! cos i've got the shortest hair i'm getting it cut again as well tho shorter and spikier and my mam said i'm allowed to dye it... not permanant or anything just wash out dark stuff!!!! lol and i have to wear a dress booo!!!! not cool i'm going to feel incredibly over dressed cos basically everyone esle is coming in jeans and a tee shirt but alice wears dresses and we all want to keep it kinda real!!
i'll run you through who's going as who :
Elly is carlisle
Laura is Rosalie
Bob is edward
Sarah is Bella
Beth is Jacob lol
That's all we know for deffo but loads of other people are going to come and we're going to set up a little buffet thing with cherry ade and animal biscuits!!! lol!!!
right i think i've rambled on for long enough bout that lol!!! i don't even know why we've started organising it so early... i just mentioned i was thinking bout it and suddenly everyone was talking bout it!!! lol!!!
so i want to recomend a blog to you... beth's new blog lol!!! she set it up earlier this week nd i've been meaning to write bout it but you know me i get easily distracted!!! but honestly if you like my blog you're going to love her's... she's funnier, more random and less obbsessive than i am!!! lol!!!
there you go!!! go on it!!! oh nd btw beth if you're reading this... we've followed you so it would be nice for you to follow us pleeeaaasssee!!!!

wow flying Nick!!!! lol!!! i don't mean this horribly but how funny would it be if they dropped him?? i mean as long as he didn't hurt himself obviously!! but i can guess who would have let go lol!!!
Ciao peeps!!

Friday, 23 January 2009

Natalie's reading Unmentionable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nd i have a telepathic link with Bob!!!

Hey peeps!!!!

Ok so 2moz i can talk botu Unmentionable!!!!!!! finally i think i've done pretty well!!!!! Nd i can also tell you all about the awesome cool thing thats going to happen!!! Nd also we've finally mananged to get natalie into it so that means that she won't flip anymore!!! yeye!!!!

so i wrote bout my music last night nd i mentioned JB and that i liked Shania Twain!!! so Mrs Joseph Adam Jonas told me about a cover JB did of a shania Twain song, how cool is that??? it was good as well nearly as good as the oringinal!!!! lol!!!

So Bob wasn't in school today which annoyed me cos we've been working Laura bout something which she will hang me if i tell you but i promised not to work her any more or she'd spill a secret of mine!!! so all i can do is laugh at bob!! but yesterday i was across the room from him and he was trying to reach me telepathically lol!! so we really played it up!! and today cos he wasn't here i worked laura and told her it was Bob on the telepathic link we had lol!!! nd she almost believed me!!!! she was like well 'if he is don't listen to him' lol!!!

Wow sunglasses!!! i wish i lived in somewhere like florida just so that i can get away with wearing sunglasses all the time!!! oh and it would be hot, and i'd be near to JB and it would be full of americans!!!! i love american accents!!!!

Ciao peeps!!!!!

Thursday, 22 January 2009

My Music

hey peeps!!!
ok so nothings really happened today so here's the plan for this post.... I'm going to run you through some of the music i love... if you like it please comment and tell me.... if not well you can tell me any way if you feel like it but honestly it won't change my mind!!!
Right so here we go...
1) i have to start with the Jonas brothers... obviously!!!! i found them randomly on youtube believe it or not... it was Joe singing Gotta find you!!! nd i just followed a few links nd tought actuallly these are really good!!! after that there wasn't really any going back lol!!! i got obsessed and realised that Joe was like totally gorgeous!!! lol!!
2) Scouting for Girls!!!! i love scouting for girls !! their sounds a little weird and repetitive but it's awesome none the less!!! Nd they're british!!! yey go them!!!!!
3) Secondhand Seranade!!! Natalie and Mrs Joseph Adam Jonas got me into these!!! so all i can say is ..... Thanks guys!!! i love the acousticy sound they've got!!! I made elly download all of their songs she could find!!! My fave is Take me away i all but cried when i first heard it!!!!!
4) My Chemical Romance - but only Thank you for the venom!!! i found this song on an unmentionable video!!!! and immediatly loved it!!! It's awesome!!!! Not my usual type of music but i still think it's really good!!!
They're a little bit scary but that songs cool!!!
5) Miley Cyrus and Demi Lovato!!! i know that they are two different artsists but i like them equally!!! especialy As i Am by Miley and La La Land by Demi!!!! they're really good and they're so young like practically my age so i think its really amazing that they've managed to get where they are!!! that goes for JB too
Thats Selena Gomez as well cos there's no pics of just Demi and Miley
The last ones a weird one... you've probably never even heard of this artist ... my Dad and my Aunt got me into her when i was really little!!! Shania Twain!!! she's like this country singer i love her voice when i was little i kinda wanted to be her so yeah thats weird right? but like i sadi blame my Dad and My Aunt!!!!!!
right i love loads of different other music but thats the few of the top of my head!!! lol!!
Ciao peeps!!!

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Cheesecake... ... ... without Biscuit!!!!!

hey peeps!!!

So i just ate my tea and my mam had bought some mini cheesecakes for dessert! so i got mine out nd there was no biscuit at the bottom!! i wasn't happy seeing as though my brothers and mams did!!! i mean who makes chesecake without biscuit!! well ... ...Tesco's i suppose!!!

so Barrack Obama's been inauga doo da!!! which is cool i wish him all the luck in the world!!! I watched the ceremony yesterday on tv!! don't know why i guess so when people ask me where i was when he was sworn in i can tell them!! dunno why like cos it ain't impressive.... 'well i was sat at home by myself drinking lemonade!! then when he was actually sworn in... i was eating fajitas!!!!!' yeah cool isn't it???? the best story ever, right???
i didn't write last night cos i was out at a play at school!!! it was kinda embarrasing how bad those guys were!! i mean i think they're awesome and all that nd really brave for getting up on stage nd everything.... but someone should tell them they can't sing before they do something really embarrassing!!!! i was filming at the back with Anna!!! it was so funny cos anna was talking all the way through it.... while we were filming.... with a supersenstive microphone!!!!! not cool there's going to be her talking in the background!!! nd when frasers mates came on as a band singing summer of '69 me and anna couldn't help singing along nd dancing so the camera was probs bouncing bout as well!!!

wow lovin that jacket Joe!!! Nd Nicks shirt is like 'wow sunglasses'!!!!!!

No offence but Kevin just looks kinda plain!!!!

so i had bit of a fight with natalie bout the unmentionable thing again!! basically natalie if your reading this i don't care... i can talk to bob bout it if i want.... if you've got a problem read it!!!!

Ciao peeps!!!

Monday, 19 January 2009

Unmentionable thing extended!!!!

Hey peeps!!!

So Natalie says that i can't mention the unmentionable thing until friday now which just isn't cool at all!!! It also means i can't tell you all about the really awesome unmentionable thing which i have all ready planned an incredible outfit for but i still can't mention it!!!!!

i don't really know what else to talk about!!!

Bob is trying to impress my dad!!! i don't really know how or why but we got talking about the fact that my Dad doesn't like any of my mates so he said well i bet he'd like me!!! so was like well good luck with that!!

I also had to go out for a meal today with my parents and my Aunt and My Nana it was literally hell on earth!!!! really horrible i swear i nearly fell asleep!!! all they did was talk talk talk talk!!!! i was soooo bored!!!!

i love that jumper Joe's wearing!! I've got one like it but it's darker and with leopard print!!!! I'm actually going to wear it for the unmentionable thing lol!!

Lv Charlie

Saturday, 17 January 2009

Odd converse!!!

Hey peeps!!!

So this amazingly awesome unmetionable thing happened at school yesterday!!! but i can't tell you about it so you'll have to wait until next week!!!!

nd last night i didn't write cos i was really upset but then i went to guides nd emma made me talk it out and i had a good cry nd i felt a bit better afterwards!!!

Talking bout guides natalie decided that we were going to go in odd converse cos we've each got two pairs!! so i went up in one blue shoe one pink!! nd when she got there both the same shoes on i was little upset!! not really bothered tho!! but it was funny cos i was srood there with odd shoes on and people kept coming over and going did you know you've got odd shoes on??? I was like NAHHHHHH!!!!! i think it actually looked kinda cool tho!! i might consider doing it again!!! lol!! i wisk i had three legs cos then when i get another pair i could go for three different pairs!!!!

i wonder if they ever get bored of taking really weird pointless pictures!?!!? i would!!
Ciao peeps!!

Thursday, 15 January 2009

NO MORE TWILIGHT!! i don't know whether i can do it!!!!

Hey peeps!!!

Ok so Natalie reckons that i'm abandoning Jonas Brothers for Twilight!!!! shock horror!!! so here's the plan after this post i'm not going to mention Twilight or Rob or edward or Bella or anything for the rest of this week!!! if i do you've all got to leave comments telling me i'm a loser!! right??

So chemistry test today!!! oh dear!!! i kinda drove myself insane reivsing all morning not talking to anyone i was almost crying with frustration!!!! i think i kinda scared Laura and elly!! ... a lot!!!

But when we got in the hall and i sat down and looked at the sheet it wasn't actually that bad!!! lol!! when i got out i was so relieved!!!

The funny thing was that when i got back to lessons Elly and Laura were waiting for me they looked as stressed as i was!!! so they came over and were like 'OMG are you alright!?????' so i went yeah i'm fine actually!! and they were like god i'm going to kill Bob 'who had the same test'!! By this point i was confused 'what's he done?' ...

'He told us, you couldn't cope and had to run out of the test crying!! we were so worried about you!!!! After this morning we thought you'd had a breakdown!!!! '

I was in hysterics!! it was so funny!!! BOB IS A LEGEND!!!
What on earth is Joe stood on and how did Nick get up there!!!??? So beth found out that the JB 3D Movie cimes out on her Birthday!!!! she's a little bit excited and was a bit disapointed that i wasn't that bothered!!!! lol i am really i was just a little distraced at that point!!!!

Ciao peeps!!!

Wednesday, 14 January 2009


Hey peeps!!

Ok so i've been looking at some twilight icons and i'm sick of all the edward prefers Brunettes crap!! i mean its just another thing to rub us blondes' faces in it!!!!

so i'm going to make my own icon!! Do you wanna know what it's going to say?? ... ... ...

'Edward prefers Brunettes!!! So what... Emmett likes BLONDES!!!!'

yeah its going to be awesome but i can't be bothered to do it right now!!

Cos i'm petrified of a science exam tomorrow!! i'm only on here right now so that i don't rip or break anything!!! i am so incredibly worried i don't think anything is making sense and i'm going to fail miserably.....

No charlie you're going to do perfectly fine stop being so pessimistic!!!!!

..... thats not really helping!!!

i need to go and try to revise again!!!!

Ciao peeps!!!

Monday, 12 January 2009

Stupid idiot flipping crazy Twilight Hater!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (plus i was abused!!)

hey peeps!!

so i had a total bella badminton lesson!!!! i think i probably injured about 5 peeps included myself!! Not cool!!

... and also some total idiot from my class you thinks he's amazing has turned round and said twilight was crap and that it promotes child sex!!!!!????? i mean WHAT??????!!!! I was so annoyed i was practically screaming at him!! the thing was he hasn't even read it and he just assumes things and he goes on and on and on and on about it until i got so angry i could have slapped him!!!! luckily my crazy maths teacher interupted us then or i would have seriously hurt him!!!!!!!!! Argh i just don't know what gives him the right???!!!! how dare he he doesn't even know what he's talking about!!!!!!!!



Ok rant over sozzie!!!

so my mam has just made some crazy fish pie!!!! ....?? basically it looked like puke and tasted even worse!!!! the whole house stinks and i was almost sick myself!!! i left it so i had carrots and potato for tea!!!

not cool!!!

Also i was abused at lunch!!! we were in our room where we eat and emma and beth kept coming over and sitting on my lap while i was trying to go on the computer??????!! weird right!! so i pushed them off and shoved emma under the desk and trapped her there!!! so you know what she did???.... she bit my leg she actually bit my leg!!!!! Then Beth was balancing money on my boobs and calling them a shelf!!!!!! Not cool!!! i feel very violated and have a tooth mark on my leg!!!!!!
Hah danger magnet soungs like me!!!

God i thought Joe had two heads there!! Gorgeous but scary!!!!

Ciao peeps!!!!

Sunday, 11 January 2009

My Crazy Scientist Buddy!!!

Hey peeps!!
so i was thinking a little earlier that i wrote a couple of posts ages ago dedicated to two of my best pals Beth and Laura!! what i realised was that i completely forgot about Natalie cos she's been reading my blog since practically the begining so this post is for Natalie!!!
So what can i say about Natalie apart from the fact that she's totally awesome... ... ... ??
I honestly can't believe that she puts up with me cos i seem to injure her a hell of lot more than anyone else i no!! i think i could have given her brain damage this time!! not cool!! SOZ!!

There's also a lot of reasons why i should hate her though... like the time she swapped EC's intitials with Joe Jonas's!! Now as funny as that was it's not cool when she's going round saying it when he's stood right behind you!!

She's an amazing performer... now she's going to turn round and say she's not she's pants... but watching her playing sharpay with Beth is one of the funniest thing's i've ever seen!! and then her impressions of Joseph and his technicolour dreamcoat is totally out of this world!!!

now you're probs wondering why i've called this post my crazy scientist buddy?? that's because she's... er... an absolute CRAZAY SCIENTIST!! She loves burning stuff etc... especially copper... cos she loves the colour it makes she also makes up silly little songs that i am not going to be able to get out of my head when we do our test!!!

Now natalie for some crazy reason likes Nick best so there you go!!!

Just to finish i wanna say that i'm really glad i've got Natalie as my friend!!! you're awesome and you know it!!! Love you loads and good luck for the science test!!!

ciao peeps

Friday, 9 January 2009


Hey peeps!!!

My eyebrows have gone down now!! lol now they're just freezing!!! really cold it's weird cos there's like a bit missing lol!!

so i just got back from guides lol!!! we were doing a dance to a night to remember from High school Musical!! lol!! it was so funny!!! we were doing like this like proper dance then we got bored for half of it and decided to go crazy dancing!!! it was so incredibly awesome!!! we were like dance... dance ... CRAZY DANCE!!! WOOOO!!! LOL!!!!

And i found out how to put pictures on my ipod!!! yay!!! now i've got all my Twilight pics on it!!! yey and elly can zoom in on Kellan Lutz's head!!! she likes doing that!! lol!!! only cos he looks a bit like her new boyf!! lol!!

Ciao peeps!!

Thursday, 8 January 2009

Shop of torture = not actually that bad!!!!!!

Hey guys!!
I have just come back from the hairdressers!! it was... well eventful!!

First my mum booked me in to get my eyebrows waxed!! i've never had it done before cos i don't agree wth unneccessary pain!! so my mam was all like oooh it really hurts your eyes will be watering like mad!! so i was kinda panicking!! and we got there and this woman took me upstairs ... right upsatirs like the very top floor and lead me into a very small room and LOCKED THE DOOR!!! i was very worried by then like have they brought me up here so they can't hear my screams but by then it was too late!! she spread this gooey stuff over my eyebrows and then this paper and then ripped it away... surprise surprise pain free!!! I'm going to kill my mam!!! only problem is all the area round my eyebrows are like bright red!! I look like i've walked into a very weird shaped wall!!! if they haven't gone down by the morning i'm not going into school!! Natalie and Laura you now know why!!!

I also got my haircut! i'd like to say that i've got this cool new funky haircut... but i haven't ... so i can't! it's kinda the same one i had before only shorter!!! much shorter i think!! ... But not like pixie short ... or ... bald!!! yeah and my fringe now nicely hids one of my fluorescent eyebrows!! lol!!!

That's an elevator right??? that's weird

Totally ture story me and elly have got a plan that weneva anyone askes us what we wanna be we're going to say a vampire just to see their faces lol!! i wouldn't actuallty mind being a vampire it might be cool!!!

Ciao peeps!!

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Crazy Parents and Lunatic mad man teachers Someone Save me!!!!!!

Hey peeps!!!

ok so my mam is seriously going mental!! she bought me a pair of pjs for xmas rite and they're cool and everything but then she went out and said bought excatly the smae pair cos 'they're really nice'!!! weird right!!!!

she also might be going to france for a week soon to help with her french cos she's a primary school teaching assitant!! so she was making our tea and asked my dad to open a tin and he couldn't so me and me mam were laughing at him while me mam opened the tin!! so when she slung this one on us me little bro was like could you not go for longer? nd my dad was like we might not survive... so i said we might not even survive for a week dad can't even open tins!!! me mam liked that one she was laughing so much she was very nearly crying!!!
so today i discovered my old english teacher drives like a mad man!!! he's an absolute lunatic!!!! we were going like 80 miles an hour!!! it was scary!! i had to cling onto Laura!! lol!!

so there's this girl in our year who likes JB too only she likes KEVIN best!!!! weird right??? but Laura likes Kevin too she's weird as well!!! but i just thought i'd mention it cos she went on and on bout it so i just turned round and said well it's a shame he's getting married then isn't it?? that shut her up!!! sorry for any Kevin fans out there didn't mean any offence!! I don't think i've got a nickname for her yet!! Laura will no who i'm taling about see if you can come up with one!!! a nice one please no insults!!!!
Who stuck Joe at the back that wans't vey nice was it!!! he should like be at the very front!!!!
Wow lots of pics i don't no which one to comment on Argh so much to say so little space not cool!!! But they're all awesome me likey lotsy!!! lol!! The one on the second row 4th one form the left is specially for Laura lol!! hope you like it!!!
Ciao peeps!!!

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

New Moon and Twilight Poll!!!

Hey peeps!!!

K so my poll is doing well lol!! two votes for edward.... .... woo!!.... great (sarcastic btw) i think i might have to get beth on so that Jacob will get at least one vote lol!! i don't even no any Jacob fans apart from her!!! if you're on team Jacob out there let me no!!! quick cos i'll have to prepare myself i might faint!!

Lol!!! i also gave Bob New Moon today!!! i told him to read to page 73 then skip alll the way to 451!!! lol!!! if you've read New Moon (which you should have) you'll get that joke!! lol!!

So Natalie told me today that the Jonas brothers actually came 84 in that annoying list thing!! you can read the whole long and confusing story on the comments on my last post lol!! i wonder who came first!! i shouldn't have said that cos now i'll get a long winded comment of either Natalie or Laura describing the whole show!! Not that i don't enjoy ur comments guys cos they really make me laugh lol!!! psst... hope your head's better 2moz Natalie!!!

i had a bit of a thing today when i realised everyone adopts my nicknames for people!! Like on here i call Bob and jacob by nicknames... sometimes Natalie and Laura call them Bob and Jacob!! I call ellys new 'bf' Andy Pandy!! Now everyones calling the poor guy andy pandy!!! lol!! i don't even mean too!!! poor guys won't no whats hit them
My Fave Twilight Quote form Twilight the book!! lol!! awsome love it!!! lol!!

Argghh nooo!! come back Jonas Brothers!!

Ciao peeps!!

Monday, 5 January 2009

Back To School!!!!!!!!

Hey peeps!!

Back to school today!! not cool!! so we had a twilight chat in science and i had a bella moment in badminton!!! lol!! smacked natalie in the head with as badminton racket lol!! smacked her right in the forehead!! she went balistic like almost crying!!! nd wining like a baby i didn't even hit her that hard!!! but i am really sorry natalie if you're reading this it was an accident!!! i seriously didn't mean to hurt you!!!!

my stupid maths teacher decided that it was a gd idea to get me worked up by argueing with me until i got really angry!! then i kinda calmed down and and started like argueing rationally and we were talking like half way through registration so he walked me to form and explained and then stayed through form and like 15 minutes after school!! eventually i just said look sir i gotta go!!! luckily me mates waited for me bless their little cotton socks!!!! tanx guys!!!

so i feel like i've been letting the joas brothers slip a little bit in favour of twilight!!! not cool!! so now i need to come up wih a Jonas story....!!!!

ooooo got one!!! laura told me!! they got like 88 on the words most annoying peeps of 08!!! not cool right!! she said that it was mostlycos of the purite rings which is bull... absolute bull!!!! i think thats stupid people just don;t respect them i mean if thats what they wanna do then let them! their not rubbing it in anyones faces people just need to mind their own business!!! btw tah laura

ok so i tried to even it out!!! lol!!!!! Jonas first look!!!! lol!!! i think i might do a twilight poll tho!! might be fun!!!
Ciao peeps!!

Sunday, 4 January 2009

Elly's New 'Friend' is Actually Emmett in Disguise

hey peeps!!!

aarrrrrgggghhh back to school 2moz!! not cool!!! am srsly not loking forward to it!! watch me like fall asleep or something!! it'll be just my luck!!! lol!!
I've decided that i'm not clumsy... *shocked gasp* no i'm not... i've just got serious bad luck!!!! yup so you can all stop voting

actually do keep voting i don't care!! lol

lol i've just found a picture of emmett from twilight when he was younger and he looks the spitting image of elly's new 'friend' andy pandy!! i really hope she doesn't read this she's going to kill me!!! 'we're just friends not even that'!!! yeah elly that's why he texts you in the moring to tell you he woke up!! actually that screams STALKER to me!!! lol!!! lol but i don't think anything will happen cos he lives like 20 miles away!!! not cool!! he likes my bracs as well which is also weird!! i think i might stop working her bout him now!!

Twilight icons!! i like the first one seeing as though no one agrees with my epiphany!! lol and the cullen boys one is awesome!!!

Ciao peeps!!!

Saturday, 3 January 2009

Please comment

Hey Peeps!!

so i've been out shopping with elly again today lol!! i got a coooool pair of earings they're like guitar plecs and they say 'i'm with the band'!!! they're incredbly awsome!! but they're kinda red and i don't really wear a lot of red!! not good!!

so i honestly have an addiction to magazines!! today two of the magazines io read were out and only had enough for one so i like looked at the front cover and one had a twilight spesh so i went for that one obvs!!!!

So i've decided that i really want to know whos been voting no on my poll!! so listen if you votd no and you're reading this heres what you have to do... click on the little thing at the bottom of the post that says no comments!! it should come up saying leave a comment... leave a comment that says 'Hey charlie i voted no on your poll'... you don't even have to leave your name!!! just please cos i really want to no who you amazing guys are!!! please please i love you!! thats a little scary isn't it?


right so my magazine had like new year awards... Joe got best Jonas!! woo he totally deserved it!!!!!! i wanted to put a ic on gain but i'm on my bros laptop mines kinda up a creek at the mo!!

Caio peeps!!

remember to comment peeps!!!!

Thursday, 1 January 2009

Happy New Year

Hey peeps!!! New Year!!! Happy new Year to everyone out there!!! Hope its a god one for you all!!!

I put my new camp rock Calendar up this moring lol!!! Tah for that elly!!

i couldn't sleep at all last night!! seriously like tossing and turning.... kicking me quilt all over the place!! so i ended up on the internet on my ipod.... it's cool when your bored!!! lol! i found this video called 101 ways to annoy the cullens!! it was so funy like buy them a dog for their birthday... call the dog jacob!!!

i had a crazy dream the other night... i was in a hot tub with the cullens... and elly and beth but she kept disappearing with alice... i was jammed in between Edward and emmett... scary!! elly was sat opposite me next to Jasper and Carlisle i think she was enjoying herself!!! i would have if i wasn't terrified of Emmett... he was cool though and really nice... just huge lol!!!

i tried to upload some cool twilight icons but i'm on my brothrs laptop and i can't get any!! boo
;( not cool!!!

ciao peeps!!!