ok so i'm allowed to talk about Twilight now wooo!!! i'm quite proud of myself i think i did well!!! i'm not going to talk about the book too much cos like i said yesterday we finally managed to get natalie to read it nd i don't want to spoil it for her!!!
but i can tell you the very awesome thing that we've got planned!!!! you might not think thats its cool but we deffinatly do lol!!! so me and elly worked out that twilight be coming out on dvd over here sometime round her bday in april so we're going to have a vampire party for when it comes out!!!! i know incredibly sad but i don't really care i think it's awesome!!!!! we're all going dressed up as the characters from the book!!! nd before you ask no i'm not going as bella i refused i'm not getting branded as her for god knows how long!!! no i'm going as Alice!!! cos i've got the shortest hair i'm getting it cut again as well tho shorter and spikier and my mam said i'm allowed to dye it... not permanant or anything just wash out dark stuff!!!! lol and i have to wear a dress booo!!!! not cool i'm going to feel incredibly over dressed cos basically everyone esle is coming in jeans and a tee shirt but alice wears dresses and we all want to keep it kinda real!!
i'll run you through who's going as who :
Elly is carlisle
Laura is Rosalie
Bob is edward
Sarah is Bella
Beth is Jacob lol
That's all we know for deffo but loads of other people are going to come and we're going to set up a little buffet thing with cherry ade and animal biscuits!!! lol!!!
right i think i've rambled on for long enough bout that lol!!! i don't even know why we've started organising it so early... i just mentioned i was thinking bout it and suddenly everyone was talking bout it!!! lol!!!
so i want to recomend a blog to you... beth's new blog lol!!! she set it up earlier this week nd i've been meaning to write bout it but you know me i get easily distracted!!! but honestly if you like my blog you're going to love her's... she's funnier, more random and less obbsessive than i am!!! lol!!!
there you go!!! go on it!!! oh nd btw beth if you're reading this... we've followed you so it would be nice for you to follow us pleeeaaasssee!!!!

Ciao peeps!!
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