So i just ate my tea and my mam had bought some mini cheesecakes for dessert! so i got mine out nd there was no biscuit at the bottom!! i wasn't happy seeing as though my brothers and mams did!!! i mean who makes chesecake without biscuit!! well ... ...Tesco's i suppose!!!
so Barrack Obama's been inauga doo da!!! which is cool i wish him all the luck in the world!!! I watched the ceremony yesterday on tv!! don't know why i guess so when people ask me where i was when he was sworn in i can tell them!! dunno why like cos it ain't impressive.... 'well i was sat at home by myself drinking lemonade!! then when he was actually sworn in... i was eating fajitas!!!!!' yeah cool isn't it???? the best story ever, right???
i didn't write last night cos i was out at a play at school!!! it was kinda embarrasing how bad those guys were!! i mean i think they're awesome and all that nd really brave for getting up on stage nd everything.... but someone should tell them they can't sing before they do something really embarrassing!!!! i was filming at the back with Anna!!! it was so funny cos anna was talking all the way through it.... while we were filming.... with a supersenstive microphone!!!!! not cool there's going to be her talking in the background!!! nd when frasers mates came on as a band singing summer of '69 me and anna couldn't help singing along nd dancing so the camera was probs bouncing bout as well!!!

wow lovin that jacket Joe!!! Nd Nicks shirt is like 'wow sunglasses'!!!!!!
No offence but Kevin just looks kinda plain!!!!
so i had bit of a fight with natalie bout the unmentionable thing again!! basically natalie if your reading this i don't care... i can talk to bob bout it if i want.... if you've got a problem read it!!!!
Ciao peeps!!!
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