Thursday, 15 January 2009

NO MORE TWILIGHT!! i don't know whether i can do it!!!!

Hey peeps!!!

Ok so Natalie reckons that i'm abandoning Jonas Brothers for Twilight!!!! shock horror!!! so here's the plan after this post i'm not going to mention Twilight or Rob or edward or Bella or anything for the rest of this week!!! if i do you've all got to leave comments telling me i'm a loser!! right??

So chemistry test today!!! oh dear!!! i kinda drove myself insane reivsing all morning not talking to anyone i was almost crying with frustration!!!! i think i kinda scared Laura and elly!! ... a lot!!!

But when we got in the hall and i sat down and looked at the sheet it wasn't actually that bad!!! lol!! when i got out i was so relieved!!!

The funny thing was that when i got back to lessons Elly and Laura were waiting for me they looked as stressed as i was!!! so they came over and were like 'OMG are you alright!?????' so i went yeah i'm fine actually!! and they were like god i'm going to kill Bob 'who had the same test'!! By this point i was confused 'what's he done?' ...

'He told us, you couldn't cope and had to run out of the test crying!! we were so worried about you!!!! After this morning we thought you'd had a breakdown!!!! '

I was in hysterics!! it was so funny!!! BOB IS A LEGEND!!!
What on earth is Joe stood on and how did Nick get up there!!!??? So beth found out that the JB 3D Movie cimes out on her Birthday!!!! she's a little bit excited and was a bit disapointed that i wasn't that bothered!!!! lol i am really i was just a little distraced at that point!!!!

Ciao peeps!!!


    yourwelcome haha...

    erm, LOSER!! You mentioned Twilight in first paragraph:)

    Uhm..after that story I might want to STAY homeschooled...

    No idea what Joe is standing on...I ask the same question about Nick..

  2. awwwww yes!!!!! JB is my idol, how did i let that slip!?!?!??!!

    for people like Lindsay Lohan, who party all night, and act all day, it's not so bad, but for people like paris who just party all night and half of the day it's so annoying!! sometimes she takes a break from it long enought to scream out a frog like music cd..

    i'm proud of u bout twilight!!lol!!

    i have no idea if theres gunna be a UK branch of the fanfamily?? mmmmmm...
    good question!!! lol!!

  3. Hey, Joe is standing on I wanna say barrels, and don't forget, Nick's a climber. There is going to b a UK Fan Family branch. Oh Yeah, LOSER u mention Twilight, Edward, Bella and Rob in the SAME Sentence, so, triple Loser.


lemme know what you think... y'all mean the world