ok so nothings really happened today so here's the plan for this post.... I'm going to run you through some of the music i love... if you like it please comment and tell me.... if not well you can tell me any way if you feel like it but honestly it won't change my mind!!!
Right so here we go...
1) i have to start with the Jonas brothers... obviously!!!! i found them randomly on youtube believe it or not... it was Joe singing Gotta find you!!! nd i just followed a few links nd tought actuallly these are really good!!! after that there wasn't really any going back lol!!! i got obsessed and realised that Joe was like totally gorgeous!!! lol!!

2) Scouting for Girls!!!! i love scouting for girls !! their sounds a little weird and repetitive but it's awesome none the less!!! Nd they're british!!! yey go them!!!!!

3) Secondhand Seranade!!! Natalie and Mrs Joseph Adam Jonas got me into these!!! so all i can say is ..... Thanks guys!!! i love the acousticy sound they've got!!! I made elly download all of their songs she could find!!! My fave is Take me away i all but cried when i first heard it!!!!!

4) My Chemical Romance - but only Thank you for the venom!!! i found this song on an unmentionable video!!!! and immediatly loved it!!! It's awesome!!!! Not my usual type of music but i still think it's really good!!!

They're a little bit scary but that songs cool!!!
5) Miley Cyrus and Demi Lovato!!! i know that they are two different artsists but i like them equally!!! especialy As i Am by Miley and La La Land by Demi!!!! they're really good and they're so young like practically my age so i think its really amazing that they've managed to get where they are!!! that goes for JB too 

Thats Selena Gomez as well cos there's no pics of just Demi and Miley
The last ones a weird one... you've probably never even heard of this artist ... my Dad and my Aunt got me into her when i was really little!!! Shania Twain!!! she's like this country singer i love her voice when i was little i kinda wanted to be her so yeah thats weird right? but like i sadi blame my Dad and My Aunt!!!!!!

right i love loads of different other music but thats the few of the top of my head!!! lol!!
Ciao peeps!!!
I said I luved MCR coz they r the second best band in the world nd u said they were crap! U only liked one of the songs! It's a travesty! I'm gonna have 2 remember 2 slap u 2morrow 4 that (and Bob 4 working me)!
ReplyDeleteo jeez, i thought my situation with jimmy was bad...
ReplyDeleteur bob situation is tragic.. i'll try to help!!
okay, so first, i would probably consider your friendship with bob. are u guys BEST friends, or just 'BUDDIES', and how much does he talk about ur cousin? is there any way he can ask her out? if not, maybe there wont be any problems. also, does she like him back?
okay, i give cruddy advice, but just consider those questions!! and talk 2 ur girl- friends!!!
nad im glad u love secondhand serenade nd there like 3 on ur list!!!
u like shania twain??? she is huge in america and JB did one of her songs on the burnin up tour! they sang, "getcha good" or somfin...
GO SCOUTING FOR GIRLS i luv them and tehy are like the first british band ( after girls aloud) who hae gotten far