Wednesday 17 September 2008

Happy Birthday Nick!!!!!!

Hey Charlie's Back!!!! Woah!!! Elly worte a blog on Monday and she banned me from writing yesterday!! All i've got to say to that is 'Don't worry Elly there's plenty more fish in the sea'!!! Sorry Elly! Nd sorry readers it's kinda an in joke! It's about our axelotl but he's not a fish he's an amphibian and now i'm rambling!! Not cool but hey!!

Yes it was Nicks 16th yesterday so Happy Birthday Nick Soz it's late if your reading this which i know you won't but i don't care! I want to know what he got if you know what he got please leave a comment to tell me cos i really want to know!! Lol

I like this picture he looks HOT and really cool as well!! His hair looks soooo much better kinda permed than it does in a 'fro.

I have decided that Joe is dating Taylor Swift and i'm not happy! I mean i wouldn't care if it was Demi cos they'd look cute and go together and she's really talented! And i'm also a fan on Nelena (sorry Elly) they look cute together! But Joe n Taylor don't! She's about 2 foot taller than him!!!! I mean if he's happy then obvs i'm happy for him but i just don't like her sorry!

Okay now i've got that off my chest what else can i talk about!!



I don't know so here's a pic

Ok that's Joe and he's gorgeous! i'm talking the obvious now so basically i'm saying WHY IS HE DATING TAYLOR SWIFT???

I'm going now before i start ranting agian! Ciao!!!!!!!


  1. oh. great. how is it that i'm always talking to people online, but none of them are ever my age...
    this may force me to get a life!! anyway that book isn't a movie over here, but if it was i'd probably laugh my head off, because the book is hilarious!! do you guys read the twilight or gossip girl book series?

  2. in france someone said that they have to go to school until 5:00 pm, and i know ur not french.. but is that true for you guys? because we get out of school at three pm, and get there at 7;55, clases start at eight. nut we dont go to school on saturday or sunday


lemme know what you think... y'all mean the world