ok!!! not for me!!!! u wierdo!!
says you...wel yes what 2 write about...hmmmmmmmmmmm??? well i am going to have an f.t we go bakk 2 the loony bin the day after tomorrow and i'm not exactly looking forward to it...it means saying good-bye to the lie-in's and shopping trips and hello to the crappy earlie mornings and piles and piles of coursework
ll at least we get to see everyone again!!!! don't want to talk bout this now elly tryin to enjoy our last days of freedom!!!
okayy then what do we talk about??? I think we should talk about this week. So i'm going to. Well yesterday we took a trip to durham but my stupid mother forgot to leave me the coinage and i ended up going with £1.20!! dam her haha and today we took an extrodiany expidition to the metro center. It's very very cool there. I did actually take money this time but didn't buy anythink so i'm saying to my very mean mother that i spent it all and am putting it towards my "meeting the Jonas Brothers at the premier of camp rock" outfit kitty
Ok well that sounds like a good idea even tho i'd already planned mine before we even filmed the dvd so... Lol but my mam said she'd buy me mine!!!! That's if we do win tho cos a think we should have been told by now!!!! and they aren't saying when they are announcing in!!!!! argh it's doing my head in I need to know if we're going to meet the Jonas brothers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know!!! BLIDDY DISNEY!!! They are supposed to be a channel and what nots for kids if they torture us like this anymore i'm getting them closed down. do you think we could e-mail them or ring em up! Thats a good idea. I don't fancy ringing them it'l cost to much you know what they're like with all of there Hannah montana shite and miley cyrus shit its all a scam if you ask me and then the Jonas Brothers turn up and make everything pure becuase thats what they are everybody say aaawwwww
okay elly!!!!! (she doesn't like Miley Cyrus because she used to date Nick Lol!!!! Someone's jealous) But yeah your right we should go on the website and send lots of e-mails!!! (I love disney really!!! But i only watch it to see Joe in the adverts lol!!!) Yeah anyway i don't think we've won cos surely they have to give you more than a weeks notice???
HHHEEEYYYYY!!! THAT IS NOT THE REASON WHY I HATE THAT SON OF A BIATCH!!! She is a spoiled little cheesy brat that cannot walk in 2cm heels and looks as though she has shit herself!! It's just not cool! And anyway Yehh thats an awesome idea just send and send and send and send and send and send and send and send and send and send and send and send and send etc etc etc...OMJ that is the worst reason for watching the disney channel I thought that it was just becuase you wanted to see Nick on the adverts...ohh no wrong reason thats me!! What have i told you!! They would have at least shown us the winner instead of keeping anybody but them in total missery keeping us from finding out becuase thats child labour!!
Right elly not sure if that makes sense but hey!! Hey you nicked my line!!!! Not cool!!!!!!!! Lol Don't do it again!!!!! and i'm not trying to get us into a Nick vs Joe argument but i'm just going to say this one thing!!! Who did they cast as male lead in Camp Rock???? yeahh!!!!! huh? I'm going to have to see if i can find a e-mail address for disney!!! We're going to have to check their website again aren't we?
Okayy I know that i makes no sense but thats me i don't make sense i persaii don't think that the world makes sense and that its just on big cookie!! i like cookies!! specially chocii chip ones....yum....carrying on....okayy i don't want you to start a nick vs. joe argument and i don't care its just becuase he needs to get noticed slightly more!! okayy then away you go...good look on finding it...in the meanwhile i am going to read that book...Its called Point Blank by Anthony Horowitz and it's the second in his series about a fit 14 year old spy called AlexRider if you didn't already know that it's rather good actually rather fun. It only took me two hours to read it the 1st time i got hooked haha and then when we have finished writing this then we shall watch Achmed the Dead Terrorist on youtube its hallerious
link ^^^^^^^^^^^ watch its awesome!!!
okay!!!!! 1 Joe does not need to get noticed more he is lead singer!!!! durrrrr
2 you make no sense at alll and ramble on about nothing
3 i can't be bothered to find the addi it'll ave to wait
4 very good book good choice
5 Do watch Achmed he is really good!!!!!
6 i'm not starting an argument (but Joe is best)
Are we going now?
yes if we have to and i am not going to number my reposneses becuase 4/6 things you said are actually things that i can agree with 6 i don't agree with becuauce Nick and Frankie are and 5 isn't really a question or opinion i can answer to becuase i said it first haha
Byeeeeee pumpkins xx
Cya peeps!!!!!

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