It really annoys me that America gets everything before us!!! Films, music everything!!! yes i'm jealous!!!!
I had a really awesome time in the metro!!! we had an impossible questions convo on the way like 'whats the meaning of life?' but we cracked one!!!! yey go Laura!! she's awesome!!! we went in the disney shop and stood for ages looking at the camp rock stuff!!! I WANT A JOE MUG!!!!! Then we got lost and ended up in totally the wrong mall!!!! On the way home we had a bit of a sing song which was totally amazing!!!!!
I bought
a little bit longer
a new top which says 'stop trying to be me'
two new pairs of earings
and a tube of spot buster because i'm currently growing a spot farm on my chin!!!!!
Awwwww look at Joe how cute!!!! Taylor Swift is one lucky girl!!!!
Yey i got a little bit Longer!!!!!!!!!!! WOAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
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