Tuesday 23 December 2008


Hey peeps!!!

went bowling today!! and i lke totally bummed out on the first game so i got me mam to give me some money so i could put some music on the jukebox thingy!! woo i but Jonas brothers and scouting for girls and james morrison on and suddenly i was like getting strikes nd things!! it's totally true decent music helps me concentrate!! honestly if i was allowed me ipod in exams i would do 10 times better really!!!!

i also got Breaking dawn today!!! wooo!!! i've got the whole series now!! nd i'm happy!!! yey!!!

i got some xmas pressies as well so i've been sat under the tree trying to feel what they are!! lol

big eye lol!!! weird!!

ciao peeps!!


  1. Nice! the magic of great singers works! I loved breaking dawn! I hope you enjoy it

  2. omg i can believe it is xamas eve ionli seems ike yesrday dat it was last xmas lmao n ta for me porezzie nd guess what a was watching harry potter n the orderof pheomix n am sure there was a pic of rob pattinson lol
    Neways am off cos am at me aunties. Merry Xmas hpe santa gets yhoo everything you want lol n al tell yhoo where he is at this moment in time lol cos me cousin tracking him lmao he is in Mongo, Chad lmao.
    Neways Ly xxxxxx Merry Xmas n a Happy New Year xx

  3. i luv 2 sit under the tree and feel wut i got.. but i always get it wrong.... pluhhh...

    i like twilight, but honestly i don't think that i would just flip out about it as much as i would JB, but yes i do like twilight and have a thing 4 edward! lool!!

    i honeslty can't remember how my thing about snails started because i hate snails... i just like the word... SNAILS! YAYAY!! lol!


lemme know what you think... y'all mean the world