Wednesday, 29 October 2008

I'm Back

Hey peeps!!

So... i didn't write yesterday!! I don't honestly know why! I kinda got reading this book and i just couldn't put it down!! I finished it yesterday as well which is kind of sad on my part but it was absolutely awesome!!! It's caled Twilight and ts about vampires and it should be really scary but its not because its basically a love story and i was almost crying!!! I got the second in the series today and it's already made me cry!!! So if your reading this blog then read the book!!!!

I went to the metro again today with Elly, Beth and Emm. It was really fun!!! We went to the cinema to see HSM3!! It was surprisingly awesome!!! There's this really cool bit where Troy throws his phone and it proper cartwheels over his bed!!! I was in absolute hysterics and it wasn't even that funny!! Then we went shopping and i got Demi Lovato's album (yes it is out here!! LOL) and then the book i mentioned!! Then we went into this coffee shop called Madisons and Beth was all like ooh lets go in and be all sophisticated!! So we wENt in and she got a coke, Emma got a hot chocolate and I got a milkshake then we sat down on these squishy couches!! It was so funny cos they gave us this wooden stck that was our order thing!!! and i was waving it about!!! Beth was all like we're supposed to be sophisticated and then what does sophisticated even mean!!! So i turned round and went the opposite of you!!! Bless her!!! We had fun working Elly about her dislike of Miley Cyrus!! Every time we saw a hannah Montana thing we were like ohhh Elly!!!! And Beths going to get some converse like me!!! oooohh!!! I think i might get jsut some plain ones for xmas like just one colour like black or blue!! Cos my new ones are a bit bold!! Lol!!! And they don't really go with any of my tops!!

Right so i've wrote loads today!!! Cos i didn't write yesterday and i don't know when i'm going to write again!!! Cos Elly's just split up with her bf (hope you don't mind me saying) and she's kimda keeping me busy!!! We're going shopping witha mate we have't seen for a while and Elliott and then on Friday it's my Bday party!! You never know i might write like live from it!!1With some pictures of Natalie throwing eggs!! (Totally not goin to happen)!!

Totally awesome pic of Joe but i'm going to be honest in the first pic i thought joe was Kevin!!! Shame on me!!!! Beth asked me taday whatmy fave jobro song was and i was only allowed to pic one!!1 I was umming and ahhing!!! But in the end i had to go for Inseperable!!!!

Ciao peeps!!!

p.s i wrote this on Wednesday but them my internet broke so i'm posting it today lol!!

Monday, 27 October 2008

My bday!!! I'm now 15!!!!

Hey peeps!!!

My Bday today!!! Yay!!! Got my first ever pair of converse!!! yey!! I'm so happy!! I also got two t shirts, a pair of jeans, some badges, Twilight (a book), a cd with Stevie wonder Happy Birthday on it (from Beth - told you, crackhead), a make up bag from Elly, some earings of Laura!!! Oh and she drew me this amazing picture of me, her and, Elly with the Jonas brothers!!! I was chasing after Joe, Laura was chasing after Kevin and Elly had hold of Nick by the waist!!!! It was so funny!!!! i was in hysterics!!!! i love her she's amazing!!!

I had Elly, Beth and my other friend Elliott round and we ended up playing this playstation game called Buzz!!! It's this really cool music quizz thing and me and elly won two out of four pretty good if i do say so myself!!! Before we were up n my room and this guy from our year walked past, one of EC's best mates!!! So me and Elly were being stupid pretending to wave at him!!! Then beth goes 'here' and knocks on the window!!! So obviously he looks up!! And me and elly threw ourselves on the floor!! And Beths just sat there waving at him!!! Me and Elly were laid on the floor laughing our heads off it was so funny!!! According to beth, he just stuck his figure up and ran off!!!

I'm having my party on Friday!!! It should be fun cos EC's Auntie is having her halloween party at the same time and she lives next to me!!! lol!!! Natalie and Elly are adamant that we're going to egg him!!! And as much fun that would be i don't think it'll be happening!!! Not if i've got anything to do with it!!! Not that i still fancy him!!! It's just he is a mate and i don't think throwing a eggs over the fence will appeal to my parents or our neighbours!!!

This picture is seriously annoying me!!! Gorgeous as it is and as they are, it just won't move stupid!!! Biut i really like it!!! Shock horror i like Nick better than Joe in this pic!!! Ahhhhh!!! Nooo!!! Don't kil me Elly!! But you have to admit he's sprawlled out on a car and Joe's over in the distance!!!

Ciao peeps!!!

Sunday, 26 October 2008

Tired and exercised out!!!!! Tubing and Furniture Rearranging Not Cool!!!

Hey peeps!!

Okay this has got to be a short blog because i'm knackered!!! My mam made me move all the furniture round in the living room!!! I am so tired but i suppose it counts as my daily exercise!!

I also got dragged out with my little brother and his friends tubing!!! You're all going to ask what's tubing? Well it's this really wierd thing where you basically get in a rubber ring and ride down a hill on it!!! Pointless right?! I didn't want to go and i deff didn't want to have a go but again my mam dragged me on and bribed me with malteasers!!! How shocking is that??? I got stuck in the stupid ring (don't laugh) they're hard to get out of!!!! lol!!!

So it's my birthday tomorrow!!! I know i'm getting a pair of converse of my Nana and a t shirt of my brother! But that's it!! I really hate surprises! They do my head in!! lol!!! I just want to know what they are!!!! arghhh!!!

I wrote a blog a couple of days ago about a trick me, elly and Laura played on some of the boys in my class about Kevin!!! well you might have also seen that Kevin now has a girlfriend!! so we've had a plan!!! We're to continue playing along and then 'find' a picture of Kevin with his gf!!! Then laura's going to kinda breakdown like the old cheated on girlfriend act!!!! It would be soo funny!! Imagine their faces!!! All we need to do now is get Laura to agree to it!!! She just wants to forget about it!!! Ain't going to happen if i have anything to do with it!!! lol

I love the Jonas brothers' style!!! It's just so unique and awesome!!! I mean how many guys do you see wondering round in red skinny jeans or a traw hat or cool khaki shorts!!! Not many that's how many!!! And they really suit it and look awesome as well as being tatally indivdual and and gorgeous!!! HOT HOT HOT!!!! lol!!!
Ciao peeps

Saturday, 25 October 2008

Sozzie Peeps

Hey peeps!!

Soz bout yesterday!!! needed to rant a bit and get things of my chest!!! i think i've just about rescued my party!!! Yey!!!

Okay so we had a halloween yesterday after my 'episode'!! I went as myself (In a top that said stop trying to be me which i thought was kinda clver but i don't think anyone got it)!!! Natalie came as an emo/Jonas sister!!! lol!!! that didn't stop her throwing herself all over the place!!!

Fall number 1 - she tried to dance down the stairs and ended up slidding down on her backside!!
Fall number 2 - she kneed a post thing and flew backwards
Hilarious bless her!!! she had to lie down for a bit!!! lol!!! and alsways my crazy scientist buddy!!! she decided to try burning pieces of paper over a halloween candle!!! Not cool natalie!!! Knowing her the whole place could have gone up in flames!!! lol sozzie Natalie!!! You can tell i'm feeling a little better now Natalie now i've taken the mick!!!!

I think there's something wrong with me!!! I've been out shopping three times and i haven't bought anything!!!! I even had thirty quid today and i didn't buy a single thing i tell you somethings wrong with me!! Is there some sort of illness going round??? cos if i've got money trust me i spend it lol!!!!
Two pics today cos i was too upset to put any on last night!!! First one Joe's playing the tambourine!!! I think its so funny that Nick and Kevin are rocking out on their guitars on in this case drums while Joe's there on his tambourine!! It just makes me laugh!! I mean i know that he can plaay the guitar and the keyboard and that he's awesome on the tambourine but it just makes me laugh so much!!!! He is soo cool even in that hat!!! He kinda looks like an old fashioned cricketer in the second pic!!!! With that jumper thing on!!!!!

I've gotta go lol

Ciao peeps!!

ps 1 day till my Bday!!!

Friday, 24 October 2008


I officially hate my parents!!!! Officially!!! Lots of people are now going to turn round and say that i'm being horrible!! But i'm not! i really realy hate them!!!!!!!! they are so so annoying and horrible!!!! They expect me to be perfect all of the time!!!!! really and they just shout all the time!! I'm not allowed to do anything wrong any of the time!!! i get shouted at for the smallest thing!!! And now my mam has cancelled my birthday sleepover because i left the phone charger in my room!!!! I really have had enough!!! i have to do well at school and behave myself perfectly all of the time!! And i hate it!!!! I know people who are so much worse than me!!! But yet they don't get treat the way i do and i hate it!!! I mean cancelling my party was just so over the top!!! I hate her so much!!! I don't see what right she has to wreck my life!!!! what have i ever done to her? nothing that's what!!!! she just hates me and i hate her so the feelings mutual!!!! i really don't get!!! She just makes me want to scream so much and jump around and break things!!! But i can't because she would just get worse and worse and then i'd never get my party back and i really want my party cos it tok me ages to convince her to let me have it!!!!

OMG i'm really really annoyed!!!!!!!!!!! right i'm going now before i start crying!!! I'm not even in a good enough mood to put any Jonas Brothers pictures on so any one who knows me will know i'm not in a good mood!!!


Thursday, 23 October 2008

Beth's Blog

Hey peeps!!

OMJ such a day today!!! funny!!!

I wrote a blog about Laura a couple of days ago so i thought i should write one about my other friend Beth!!!! She's awesome!!! A crack pot and off her head but awesome!!! she's a great actress and a fab singer! One day when she's in the West End or on TV i'm going to be like 'Yeah i used to go to school with her she was one of my best friends' Unless she's syill my best friend then i'll probably be in the audience!!! Yeah!!!

She is absolutely mad!!! We walked down from school today and we were talking about what different kids of the people in our school would be like and she was running down the street acting things out!!!! Then this fellah walked past and gave us the funniest look!!! But it was still funny so we all burst out laughing!! She has the wierdest laugh in the world!!! But we all still love her!!!

She usually likes the same kind of music as me but she isn't really as into the Jonas brothers as me so i'm not going into that in this blog!!! Her fave band's Mcfly and she wants us all to go to see them next year for her bday lol!!!! I deff will but we might have to work on Elly!! lol
I don't know what else i can tell you about Beth!!! You have to check out her blog (the links at the bottom) if she ever decides to update it lol!!!

It would be wierd without Beth as my mate!! I think she could make me laugh even when i'm in the worst mood ever!!! lol!!! Love you loads Beth!!!!

Mcfly pics for Beth!!! I think they're old ones but i couldn't find any new one soz!!!

And a diff band for me!!! lol

Ciao peeps

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Live To Party is wedged into my head!!!

Hey peeps!!!

OMJ! Me and Laura thought Kevin was Dead today! We think that is bath fell on him!!! He was half underneath it and wasn't moving! So I was kinda panicking and Laura was sat going 'come on kevin get up'. Then he kind of squeezed out and we were like phew!!! Not so cool now!!

Laura was quite pleased with my blog from yesterday!! Although it knda wenr to her head and she was walking round saying 'I am a legend bow before me mortals'! I guess she's still cool!!

I've still got Live to Party in my head so thanks Natalie!!!

Table tennis again today! I think we're getting slightly better although Natalie is such a show off!! And she always puts me off!

The boys still believe Laura's boyfriend is Kevin!!! We're getting a bit worried that they might see him on the music channel and click on! But he's so stupid he might actually believe that she's dating a superstar! And one of the girls in my year and PE class (erm... what shall i call her? We'll call her... ohhh this is hard! Shannon! Blame my mam!) yeah so she turned up to PE with a Jonas brothers t shirt. I might have already mentioned this but it really does my head in!!! And me and Laura got kinda panicky that the boys might see her!! Luckily they didn't! so its still on!! By the way if there is anyway Kevi is reading this, hope you don't mind!

Another pic of Kevin for Laura because it didn't go on yesterday!!!

Aaaaarrrrgggghhhh flying Nick!!!!! lol!! only joking i know he isn't really flying!

Ciao peeps!!!!

ps 5 days till my bday!

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Laura is a Legend!!!!!!

Hey peeps!!!!

If you read our blogs you might have heard me mention Laura who is one of my very best friends! She is seriously awesome! She is sarcastic but sooo funny!!! She's an awesome artist even if she doesn't believe it herself! She likes the Jonas brothers as well but she's kinda not as obsessed as me and elly! Her faves Kevin! yeah did i mention she's a bit wierd? lol!!!
We were in ICT today and Sir was stood behind her. So when Laura moved back she headbutted him! She was like i think i just headbutted someone! Sir went 'yea you just headbutted my sheets' and Laura just turned round and went Ohh are your sheets all right!!! I was almost crying it wa hilarious! Sir just kinda went yes they're fine!!! Oh dear amazing!!!

Then later on me, Elly and Laura convinced the two lads on our table that Laura was dating Kevin Jonas!!! Lol and they believed us!!! We kinda didn't tell them that he was an international superstar but they believed that he was Laura's boyfriend, 2o, American and that they met on the internet and he had been over a couple of times to see her! Then Laura just can out with all these infomation about when they'd met up and i was just sat there staring at her thinking 'Where on Earth is she dragging this from?' She sounded so convincing i don't think i'm going to be able to believe her again! It was soo funny! Now the plan is to photoshop a pic of Laura with one of Kevin lol!! Should be fun!!!

Nice pictures of Kevin spesh for Laura! Sorry bout the ones with Curly hair! Lol!!! Apologies!!! Lol! Now some of joe to regain balance

Okay and some of Nick! suppose if i must!!!!

Yeah so this blog is for Laura! Just to say i'm glad you're my friend! I don't know what i'd do without you!! Well i do and it ain't pretty!! LOL!! And anyway i don't know what you'd do to me if i wasn't your friend!!! I've seen what you do!!! LOL!!!

Lv Charlie!!!!

ps that beached whale thing to wasn't me!!!!

Monday, 20 October 2008


Hey peeps!!!

Kevins got a new tank!!! Well not a new tank but its different!!! Sirs taken out his castle and rocks and filled it with all sciencey stuff!!! It's awesome!!!! So now he's got test tubes, measuring thingys and a fork!!! Okay not sure what thats got to do with andthing but its cool!!! He's even got a bath!!!!! We made sir take out the scissors cos we didn't want Kevin to hurt himself but also cos they were kinda going rusty!!! Lol!!!!

Yeah so Elly wrote a blog yesterday shock horror!!!! Yeah and we went to Cattrick but she didn't get me a pressie cos we didn't find anything! Actually we just forgot!!! I've got this awfull feeling she might do what she did last year and make a photo album of embarassing pics of me!!!! Nooo!!!!!!!!!!

LOVEBUG!!!!!! OMJ the video is AWESOME!!! A little WIERD but AWESOME!!!!! Joe looks gorgeous as usual even dressed up wierd!!! Nick looks awesome but still wierd!!! And even Kevin looks cool!!! But wierd its just all wierd!!!! I don't think its as good as burning up but its better than SOS!!!! They all look really wierd cos its a 30s - 40s theme but wierdly they suit it!!! And you don't see Kevin till half way through!!! Or maube i just didn't recognise him!!! lol

I can't find a pic of it yet!!! BOO HOO!!! ohh well i'll have to make do with this one!!!

Okay i love this picture!!!! Look at Joes eye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yet he still manages to look gorge Lol!! And Kevin looking at that fish!!!! It would have been so awesome if it had been an axolotl it would be like 'Kevin... and Kevin'!!!! Lol And then you've just got Nick in the background readintg like 'yeah i'm intelligent'!!!!

OMJ Elly had me in kinks when she wrote about that pic she put on!!!! eee dear legendary!! Lol!!!


ps 7 days til my bday!!!!!

Sunday, 19 October 2008


Does anybody else out there find boys so totaly useless!!!!!
They are soo annoying!! Boyfriends Especially!!! They think that for one day or maybe two that you are in a bad mood that its everything!! Thats its something that prooves who you really are. Or when you argue with them that your heart feels like its wanted to break through out of your body and make a run for it!! Where it hurts so bad but yet they haven't said that its over but that you know its comming to an end. When the tears shoudl start to stroll instead they sprint they might as well fly off your face and hit you back.And then it comes the line that every single boy that thinks they no best says:

"It's Just Not Going Anywhere" and then you think its over and then he says that thing must change and then he thinks that you don't understand when you really do but really you don't but to save it all you say you do

Well I tell you something^^^^^ its bullshit but its true....mates before did I ever let anything get ahead of that?? I tell you something when they yell and scream and shout, strop and tantrum, and you thinks its isn't but you think it might as well be but you cannot find the words to say...."Babe...its over but I want us still to be friends becuase I don't think its working between us...and then because you have split up you fear of losing your best friend in the process becuase they've known him longer or becuase he hangs around with him alot and thats what stops you and it's really really hard and I just don't know what do do >:[

And now.....Caterick market 2daii wz canny cool

Dinky Doughnuts, Choccis, Jeans and Laughs on. Charlie it wz awesome thankiezz lool We shud defo do it agen and maybe somewhere else where the weather is much better and to make things better we are inside so my fringe doesn't go all do lally haha

Soo...picciez help me alot with these they really help alot just because its kinda funny to look through em all haha

Okayy so thats kinda cool ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Kevins Shades are likee sooo cool rofl and I don't think Joe wants to look at the camera "OHH no the sun is blinding me" hahahaha

Soo chava ding a ling a ling. Kevin sorta needs a stylist in this pic I don't think it was his best dayy and it could probs have been one of his worst. Yehh Joe looks hardcore. Hes like ggrrrr I'm hardcore get out of my way so yehh and well Nickk....well Nicks just being Nick lukin gawjus as his is normally *laughs*

Ohh yerrr Lovebug Premier 2morro YIPEEEE Cannot wait dudes its gunna be amazing...the video as well I cannot wait to see the video....not to sure about how they all gunna look like...well Nick I do because of the hair an charlie were talking about this before on how Nicks hair cud be like it is in the burning up video and we thort that was quite a good thingii mi giggy yehh so it should be cool... I picture could be hard though a bit...difficult to find but I'll do my best...If i had a superman tee it would help;;;.........ohh yess if anybody does actually no wer abouts in the North East of the great country that is Not England (oopps I mean is England not that its that great anyway) where I can benefit myself in getting a superman tee please comment and tell me because I really want one and yet I still have no idea why

And yess...PICTURE!!!!!!!! I found one I think I don't know if its of the video but I put in Jonas Brothers Lovebug Video Snaps and thats what came up so I saved it and uploaded it because I am a narrow minded simpleton =D

Okayy so I have this idea yehh that Kevin has just insulted somebody and it celebrating and that Joe is like yehh that bites Kevin please stop it now and Nick is thinking "OMJ I am soo Hot!!" *jokes* No Nick is thinking Man Alive Kevin not again you really should be the youngest because you act younger than Frankie...hey Joe maybe Frankie should Take Kevins Place in the band and then when Kevin acts old enuf then he can join the 3 spotlight son the stage that will then become 4

Haha well I'm off now peoplezz

Cyahhz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Saturday, 18 October 2008

Jonas Brothers watches and birthday presents!!!!

Hey peeps!!!

I don't no what i'm going to right about today not much has happened!!!! I went shopping this moring and didn't buy anything (soo unlike me) and then i've spent the afternoon sitting round doing nothing and hovering up for my mam!!! Not cool!!!! I am soo bored!!!!

I'm going to Cattrick market with Elly tomorrow!! the reason i didn't buy anything!!! She's supposed to be buying me my birthday present!! Lol (9 days)!!! She was supposed to be getting me a Joe Jonas watch (i no sad but it would have been cool cos elly was getting a Nick one and she was getting Luara a kevin one for her birthday in February) But it hasn't come yet so she said i had to pick something out today!!! Should be fun!!!! She'll have an extremely small buget sooo i'll be limited to what i can pick out lol!! But still... I think my brother's bought me a logo tee for my birthday!!! But that's not saying much cos a couple of weeks ago i thought he'd bought me a Camp Rock towel!!! Which i didn't want by the way!!!!!

I have just found out the premire of LoveBug is on Monday 5:55 lol!!1 I've already got it on record!! (you have already read - i'm extremely sad). It should be really good lol!!! Yeh!!1 I totally forgot to tell you that i fixed my CD!!! You know i scratched it and Can't have you refused to play!!! Well a couple of days later it was in the CD player and i accidently sent it flying off the table (the whole CD player) !! And suddenly the CD plays all the way through!!!!! WOW!!! So i've got a new motto!!! If in Doubt, Give it a clout!!!!! And it actually works!!!! If something doesn't work hit it and it starts working!!! Not too hard though cos then your just going to break it even more!!! And that's not good!! I didn't wreck my CD player beyond recognition!!! luckily cos i'm really clumsy like that!!! So i'm kinda not suggesting that you hit everything that doesn't and if you do it's gotta be your choice don't pile the blame on me peeps!!!!

okay i kinda rambled on there cos i felt i had to say that!!!!

Okay i love these pictures!!! PILLOW FIGHT!!!!!!!! Kevin looks like he's about to fall off and Nicks just kinda all relaxed letting his brothers pull him alon and then just sitting down and letting Joe pound him!!!!! I wonder why Joe had his trousers rolled up!!! wierdo!!! Bit like me!!! LOL!!!!!

Ciao Peeps!!!!!

Friday, 17 October 2008

What does a penguin drink from??!!!!

Hey Peeps!!!

I have discovered that i find stupid, unfunny jokes extremely funny!!! like what does a penguin drink from?!?!?! Beakers!!! OMJ i don't know why it's so funny!!! but i was in kinks!!!! and another one 'What type of bee produces milk??? Boobies!!!!! OMJ seriously it just cracks me up!!!! like all the jokes on the back on penguins!!! Love it!!

Our science teacher moved us away from Kevin!!!! NOOOOOO!!!! Not cool!!! What are we going to do!!!! Not cool!!! How are we going to cope without Kevin????!!! i don't know!!! Help!!!

Guides again tonight!!! Not cool!!! I'm not going to describe it cos i didn't like it!!!! and Natalie if you're reading this you're only just forgiven!!!!

Elly reckons she's going to write into GMTV and ask them to organise a meeting with the Jonas Brothers because she's dying!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ohhh dear!! I kinda said do you not thimk they would kinda realise you're not actually dying?????! Bless her!!!OHHHHH HOT PICTURE!!!!!! Even Kevin looks FINE!!!!! Me likey!!! lotsy!!!! Nice tee Nick!!! lol

Wow how toned does Nick look!!!! MUSCLES!!!!!!!! WOW!!! And Joe's tee It speak the truth!!! Lol!!!! If you can't read it, it says love machine lots and lots of times!!!!! lol!!! You wouldn't think they were brothers from this pic they look totally different!!!!

Ciao peeps!!!!

Thursday, 16 October 2008

Wierd Science Lessons!!!!

Hey peeps!!!

Okay so today in triple Mr Raven called me, Natalie and EC the three stooges!!! Apparently i'm the giggley one, Nats the loud one and EC's the daft one!!! I don't even know who they are!! I think they're some old TV show!! Lol

In science we hung back and were talking to sir with Bob!!! So Bob asked sir where cows come from (like where they evolved from) but sir went all wierd!! He went "Milk!! You leave it out and it goes off!! Then this little head comes out and it gallops off!!!" Then Elly turns round and goes "What's that then? A milk bird??" OMJ it was so funny!!! We just kinda looked at her and said "Noooo!! A cow!!!" Ohh dear she's a bit slow sometimes!!!

I've been doing a bit of a rock n roll theme at the moment in textiles!!!! Like black and pink and guitars!!! It's really awesome and we're making wall tidies!!! They're not to tidy walls, you idiots!!! They hang on your wall and they've got lots of pockets so you can tidy up your room!!! There you go wierdos!!! LOL!! We managed to conquer the sewing machine!!! You know why??? cos Natalie had finished!!! See i told you Natalie puts some sort of jinx on the machine!!! Only joking!!!! Cos it kinda broke on Emma too!! So sowwy natalie i was joking!!!!

When my Dad tries to pack in smoking, he starts baking cookies!!! And as lovely as they are they give me hugnormous spots!!! Not cool!! I don't like spots they're not cool at all!!!!

I like this picture!! It's funny!!! Their hair is like WHOOOOOOOO!!!! And there's little red things flying all over!!! How awesome is that?!?!?!?! LOL!!!

Ciao peeps!!!

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

People!! I'm not Psycho!!!!!

Hey peeps!!!

Okay so what's happened today??!! Not much really!!! had a good science lesson but i'm not going into detail cos well... lets just say it was funny!!!

I also came to the conclusion that it's Natalie's fault that the sewing machine keeps going wrong!!! Yes Natalie's fault and no Natalie I'm not psycho!!!!!

Yes i have a member for my 'Bring Back the JOEHAWK' Group!!! But i need lots more if it's going to do anything!!!! Please join, even if you don't care about Joe's hair!! Just comment and tell me you want to join!!!

Oh yeah and this is a message for Calasin Jasmin Saunders if your reading this!!! I read your comment and i tried to write back but it wouldn't let me get on your blog so i kinda couldn't!!!! so here goes... two of my friends love kevin and one of them is kinda obssesive!!! Thanks erm... i'd say your blog was cool but i haven't seen it so i kind of can't!!! OOOOOOOHHHHH DEAR!!!! KKKKEEEEVVVIIINNN!!! He looks angry!!! At Joe!!! Oh dear!!! he doesn't look very happy at all does he people??!?!?! I wonder what's the matter with him!!! Maybe it's just a bad pic?!? caught him at the wrong moment!! Come on we've all done it!!! lol!!!

Ciao Peeps!!!!

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Bring Back the JOEHAWK!!!!!!

Hey peeps!!!

ICT was actually funny today!!!! Laura said that she would get us all a laptop from the cabinet!! So she got two out ad put it on the top and then bent back down to get some more!!! While she was trying to get some more out someone came along and nicked one of the top!! When she got up she was all confused!!! Then she got some more and they'd gone again!!! By this time Laura was getting angry!!! And i was in hysterics!!! Then our teacher went over, told her she didn't need that many laptops, took one off her and gave it to elly!!! The thing was she was going to give it to elly anyway!!!!! Ohhh dear poor Laura!!! But it was sooo funny!!!

We were describing people today in French and Natalie was doing me and she had to come up with some bad points!!!! Do you know what she said?!?!?! I had to control my temper!!! i don't have a temper!! Just because i threw a glue stick off Rosie's head (which i can't remember doing by the way) doesn't mean i need to control my temper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jobros on a bike!!! I have decided to form a 'bring back the JOEHAWK' group!!! I've kinda already got one member!!! i think it's a good idea!!! It might not catch on but it's a good plan!!! I mean he obviously still looks absolutely gorgeous with his ahir long and like it is in the pic But his Joehawk was just awesome!!!!!


Ciao peeps!!!!

Monday, 13 October 2008

Kevins Gone!!!!

Hey peeps!!

erm... what to write about?

me and laura nearly had a heart attack today when we went into Science!!! Kevins tank was empty!!!!! Not cool!!! But it turned out that sir was cleaning his tank out!!! Phew panic over!!!! he looked much smaller in his bowl!!! maybe he's not as fat as we thought!!!

I designed a bag in textiles!! it was awesome!! all of my mates contributed a bit to it and it was really good!! it had skulls and hearts and guitars!!! I so want to learn to play the guitar! OK that was a bit random Charlie!!!

Aww!! Cute young Jobros! Bring back the Joehawk!!! YES!! Look at meanie Kevin pulling Nick's tie!!! I like your top, Joe!! lol!! I really am a wierdo!!!

Ciao for now peeps!!!

Sunday, 12 October 2008

Back from camp : Cold, tired but hopefully in one piece

Hey Peeps!!!

Just got back from camp bout 2 hours ago!!! it was cold and wet and wierd but good fun!!!! i found a stick and called it baseball bat!!! then it got snapped by a twig!!! not cool!!! Elly got a stick as well called whippy stick!!!!! i also made a few new friends including stripey, sophie and sarah!!!! but we all fell asleep so the rest of them had midnight snacks on penguin biscuits and left us asleep!!! shock horror!!!

I had a bit of Jonas withdrawal!!!! Luckily someone else had some american magazines and they were on almost every page!!! result!!!

Okay so this is a strange picture!!!! wierd!!! right???? erm... nice tee shirts!!! i would have got a better one but my computers being really strange!!! and slow!!!

Short blog again!!! but i can't really thin of anything else!! Lol!!

Ciao peeps!!!!!!!!

Friday, 10 October 2008

Hey peeps

It's been a good day today!!! well apart from the fact i only got an A in my maths test!!! now people will laugh at me and tell me to stop stupid an A's good but i'm kinda a A* kinda girl so yeah i'm a bit annoyed!!!!
But coming home cheered me up!!! i walked down with Elly, Beth, natalie and another crazy kid, Anna!!! well we were playing Miley Cyrus songs to annoy Elly so me, Beth, Natalie and Anna were singing totally off key at the top of our voices with our arms round each other!!! The randoms in the street must have thought we were mad!!!! lol!!! then Natalie started acting out the lyrics to One in Million!!!!! soooo funny!! Elly got a bit mad though!!! LOL!!! Sowwwy Elly!!!! didn't mean to upset you!!!
erm... that's about it!!! Oh yeah Joe and Taylor have supposed to have broken up!!! I feel sorry for the both of them!!! Hope they're OK!!! Even though i still really don't like Taylor!!! Joe is supposed to have broken her heart but i don't think he would have done that!!! Bless them both!!!

I think the Jonas Brothers have gone home now!!!! So bye Boys hope you enjoyed the UK!!! I don't know why i said that it's not like they're going to read it but if you are Hi!!!!! Lol!!! i really am sorry for you Joe and Nick, Elly says hi too!!!!

I am really wierd!!!!

Cool Jobros on motorbikes!!! I've always wanted to ride on a motorbike, not driving obviously like on the back or in a side car, god i'd love to ride in a side car!!!! i don't even think they're motorbikes they're more like scooters aren't they!!!??? lol

I gotta go i might not wirte tomorow cos i'm going to camp with elly lol!!! But i'll tell you all about it on Sunday lol!!!! Ciao!!!!

Thursday, 9 October 2008

I hate sewing machines!!!

Hey peeps!!!!

Okay so i really don't like sewing machines and they don't like me either!!!! i was sat in textiles today with natalie and Emma trying to get this sewing machine set up!!! and we threaded it up right but the stupid thing wouldn't work!!!! so we unthreaded it all and redid it!!! then the stupid wheel thing got stuck and wouldn't move!!! so we undid it again but it was still stuck!!! then rwe realised it must be something underneath so we opened it up and found that the Spool was jammed!!! so then we went to miss and she just pressed this button and it all popped out!!! and she was like your spool was jammed and we went yeah we figured!!!!!! so yeah i don't like the stupid thing its pointless!!!!

yes so in triple science today Miss asked us for a band so me and natalie obviously said Jonas brothers!!! and EC was like the Jonas brothers are stupid!!!! so we ganged up on him and were like no they're not you loser!! and we were arguing then all of a sudden someone behind us just went the Jonas Brothers are awesome and we turned round to find it was one of the other girls in our class who like had never mentioned their names before!!!! really funny!!!! but it made me glad i don't fancy EC any more (get that Natalie i don't) but i think someone else does!!! i'm not going to mention any names until something happens!!!!!!

Joe and Kevin doing the worm awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay so when i first saw this pic i wasn't sure who was standing up!!! i thought it was kevin and emma thought it was Joe!! then we made it bigger and we went wow it's Nick wierd!!!! Lol!!!!

Gotta go ciao!!!!


Wednesday, 8 October 2008

OMJ Jonas Brothers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes it's official!!! The gorgeous brothers are back in the UK with a bang!!!
They're on Paul O'grady!!!! and awesome as usual!!!! They got a mincer off the show it was amazing!!!! LOL!!!! Kevin has a Louis Vitton Guitar!!!!

Okay so i found this article on the web and it's disgusting!!! Read plzzz!!!!!!!!

It's horrible right??!! I don't understand why anyone would want to do that!!!! I asked Luara if she would and she kinda said yes (by accident i assume) then changed it to no!!! so i've been working her all day lol!!!! and i asked this random to go over and say Charlie's told me all about you and Kevin!!!! so he did and Luara turned round and said 'It's a lie i don't want to sleep with Kevin'!!!!!!! It was soo funny cos i hadn't even told him anything!!!!!!!! and i kept working her all the way through our science test lol!!!!

We had table tennis or should i say Dodgeball again today!!! Lol!! Natalie kept putting me off by swapping Joe Jonas's initials with EC's!!!! Not cool!!!!! spesh since he was stood right behind me!!!! Laura had to play his best friend and got thrashed!!! Lol!!! Sowwy Laura!!!!

WOAHHH!!! Awesome Picture!!!! LOL!!!! I love it!!!!! Joe on one of them toy horses Awesome!!!!!!

Right i gotta go!!! Ciao!!!


Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Bored again

Hey peeps

Another uneventful day!!! Even tho we did have triple science which is fast becoming my fave lesson!!! EC tried to make me where his coat today!!! He is a very wierd boy!!! Lol!!!

erm... oh and i had to struggle through 2 hours of ICT today with our very wierd teacher!!! Oh dear not cool!!! i was about to say lol there but it's not funny!!! it's absolute torture!!!! I mean i no how to use a computer (erm.. hello proof in front of you) so why do i need to do ICT!!!!!! ARGHHH!!
I'm ranting again Lol

Okay so yesterday i worte and saud to leave a comment if you know if emily osment and mitchel russo are dating!!! No one did but someone did leave a comment so i'm going to do it agian!!!


Ohhhh Jobros in a tree!!!!!!! coooooool!!! All three looking gorgeous as usual!!! Yes laura i evem said Kevin!!! I hope elly doesn't see this Nick in shorts she might hyperventilate!!! Lol

Oh oh oh wait wait i've found a better one!!!!

Nick having driving lessons from BIG ROB!! i love BIG ROB!!!! How cool would it be forbig rob to teach you to dirve!!!!!!!!


Ciao peeps!!!!

Monday, 6 October 2008


Hey peeps!!!

aww beth's got a new puppy!!!! He's sooo adorable!!!! I called for elly this moring and she was like ohh beths got a surprise for us!!! so we went round to her's and elly said so where's this surprise and then this likkle puppy walked round the corner and we went awwww!!!! he's called Jack and he's really cute lol!!!!!

I don't really know what else to write about today!!! It hasn't been a very eventful day!!! Lol!!!!

Erm... No i've got no idea let me think!!!!!

I was just watching Emily Osment and Mitchel Russo singing If i didn't have you and i just wondered if they were actually going out!?????????? Leava a comment if you know!! plzzzz!!! In fact leave a comment even if you don't know!!!!!!!! Plzz leave a comment !!!!! Lol

Aww look Kevins got his arm round his liitle brother That's not wierd at all!!!! Lol


Sunday, 5 October 2008

Wierd cattle place lunch

Hey peeps!!!

Ok so i've just been out and had lunch in this cattle ranch!!! WIERD!!!! Never going there again!!! I also had to put up with my gran and Nana in the same room!!!! NOOO!!! Absolute torture!!! They've decided to take me to Aberdeen for my birthday!!! Not cool!!! I don't even no where aberdeen is!!! I'd like to see them try though!!! i said the same thing to my dad when he threatened to cut of my side fringe!!! i don't think he was particularly impressed with my outfit today lol!!! i did and it was fun to work him!!!

The Jonas Borthers are at 34 in the official uk charts!!!! Lol!!!! Not that good but at least they made it onto the chart Lol!!! I don't really know anybody outside of my circle of friends who know who the Jonas brothers are!!! Lol!!! Strange people!!! ooooh they're coming over here as well next week lol!!!! Yes!!!! GIG GIG GIG!!!! SOON SOON SOON!!!! PLZ PLZ PLZ!!! LOL LOL LOL!!!!!! WOAH i'm happy now!!!!!

What is Kevin doing in that wheelchair!?!? Lol wierdo!!!!

Gotta go!!!! lol!!! Caio!!!!!!

Saturday, 4 October 2008

hey peeps!!!

I've been out shopping this morning and i've spent quite a bit of money that i didn't really mean to lol!!!! Most of it was my mams though!!!! Lol!!! I got some cool arm warmers really awesome and i've wanted some for ages!!!! i also got some cheap earings for school and a magasine!!! My mam bought me four pairs of knee length socks and two pairs of trackies!!! LOL!!! i like shopping it's fun!!! More fun when you've got lots of money to splurge!!!! lol

I like sayig lol as well!!!! i'm bored now i've got no idea what to do!!!

I'm going out to lunch on a cattle ranch tommorow??!??!?!? should be a lot of fun!!! i think i'm being sarcastic!!! lol!!! but i still have to get dressed up!!! i'm thinking of kinda going all emo!!! you know skinny jeans, dark logo tee, my airwalks, my leather jacket, my new arm warmers and lots of dark make up!! Oh amd my dangly guitar earings!!!!! All to annoy my dad!!! Oh it's going to be lots of fun!!! Lol!!!

I've been listening to some of Selena Gomez' music!!! It would be good if she good sing!!! Sorry I love selena as an actress and a style icon (again sorry elly) but she should stick to that) lol

Gotta go now ciao

Oh pic!! 2 seconds!!What on eart is that blue thing on Nicks shirt??!! I thought it was his guitar strap but it's not!!!!
Right i now i'm going ciao!!!!!

Friday, 3 October 2008

Crazy, Awesome, Hyper, Wierd, Rocking, Singing, Dancing, Jonas PARTY!!!!!!!

Hey peeps!!

Amazing night tonight!!!! Absolutely awesome!!!! So i've been up at guides with Elly, beth and Natalie and a load of other loonies and cos we are older we get to do what we want!!! So we had a crazy party!!! WOAH!!!!! lots of music and dancing and rocking on air guitar!!!! We all got kinda hyped!!!!!!! YEY!!!!!! Then me n Nat played some of Miley's new songs and elly got a bit angry!!!! Lol!!!! We played Jonas Brothers, Miley, Mcfly, The script and loads of others!!! Its the most fun i've had for ages i'm still in a bit of a hype!!!!!

Lol so Natalie is still my crazy scientist buddy(you may have seen our new poll blame elly) and EC is still our kinda lab partener extra person!!!! But it's all good!!! Today he came out with the fact he wants long hair!!!! Whick i think might actually suit him lol!!! i never told him that and i hope to god he never reads our blog!!!! LOL!!!!!! We also did this wierd mexican wave elements thing!!!! Really funny I was Oxygen nice and easy to remember!!!! lol

OMJ!!! it's us at our party!!!!! Lol Not really it's the Jonas Brothers peeps Kinda wierd crazy pic Lol

Gotta go Ciao!!!!

Thursday, 2 October 2008

Heroes' Back!!!!!!!

Hey Peeps!!!

Shock horror!!!!! Elly actually wrote a blog yesterday!!!!! OMJ!!! Wow!!!

Our poll's closed now and obviously Joe won!!! Lol!! But the problem is we don't know what else to do a poll about!! So if you've got any ideas leave a comment plzzzzzzzzzzzz!! Lol

Right so what's happened today?!?! erm... not sure nothing important!! Give me a minute to think!!!

Oh yeah!! Heroes back!!! yey!!! I like Heroes its cool grusome but awesome!!! It's also another thing that America got first!!! Not cool but i don't really care!!! The Jonas Brothers like heroes but before you start saying i only like it cos they do, don't!!! I liked heroes way before i even knew who the Jonas Brothers were!!! So hah!!!! It's getting a bit obvious like you can tell what's going to happen before it does and it's getiing a bit farfetched but i still like it!!!! I haven't watched the first series yet but i'm going to!!!

What else can i right about??? No idea so it's going to have to be a short blog tonight!!! Lol!!

Wow another great pic!!!! Joe is one of the only guys in the world that could make a jumper like that look gorgeous!! Lol!!! People are going to think that i'm strange but i also think Rodger Federer looks kinda cute in his cardigan!! He's like this mega famous Tennis player from switzerland BTW if you don't know!!! My mams kinda into Tennis but she prefers Nadal!!! LOL More muscles she reckons!!!

Both Elly and Laura had a go at me today for talking to myself!!! Newsflash people it's a sign of genius!!! Lol

Ciao peeps!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Hegoo =]

Okayy so I'm gunna right about sum stuff Jonas Bros Album out's cool!! Lovin all the songs they awesome just like those guys =]

Itsa kinda a crap pic but the internets playing up and it's taken me an hour to get on how crap is that!! Anyway my fav song of that would probs be defo "A Little Bit Longer"- it's so beautiful, it just makes you feel so sorry for poor Nick don't you. Well he is sooo awesome and good looking...Beth said he warbles yesterday....well....i suppose he does in some songs now I think about it...becuase of who i am i would argue against that fact that i think that Nick perfect. Well actually no i don't nobody is perfect...even if they think they are never wrong; if they think their opinion is better than other peoples but anyway yes I he does warble in some songs but not as much as Leona Lewis. She's a good singer and her songs are hellish and shes a really good singer. Anyway I'm rambaling now...

So today....English...boring APU. Science...was oryt a suppose did an experiment an wrote in green like this one it wz textiles i mixed me laura emma an charlie 2gevahh in a weavin sesh thing...then in citizenship...well thats crap. so PE trampolinin, bouncin aboot all awa the place tehn on the wayy home I hogged out an got 3 cookies an gave 1 2 Charlie 2 reduce my debt wiv her

and now i cba to write out any more than i already have soo

CIAO!! catch yhaz laterz xxx

OMJ!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMJ!!!!!!!!!!!! The stupid computer scratched my CD!!!!!!!!!!! NOT COOL!!!!!!!!!!Big huge gauge!!!!!!!!!! Now Can't Have You won't play in the CD player!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't panic though peeps i'd already uploaded it onto my laptop so it's cool!!!! Well it's not it's totally NOT COOL!!! But not as uncool that it would have been if i hadn't!!!!

Ok i'm kinda rambling now so... Ok what can i talk about???? I don't know, not much has happened today!!! Kinda boring day!!!!

Table tennis!!!!!!!!!! Me and Laura were palying it today in PE!!!! I tend to beat her most of the time!!! It's fast becoming my fave sport!!! we usually play with Natalie and Bon but they weren't ere so it was just me and Laura!!!! which was cool because when it's all of us it's kinda more like dodgeball!!! with the added danger of flying bat paddle things!!! That's usually my fault!!! i nearly killed Bon a couple of weeks ago!!! Not cool!!! Oooops Sorry Bon!!!!!

Nice suit Joe!!!! It's nice to see guys with a decent sense of style!!! Unlike the slobby chavs round here!!!!! Take note you shildonian Boys!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lol not going to work Charlie no boys read my Blog idiot!!!!
Yes i did just talk to myself there ignore!!!!!!!!
Lol Ciao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!