I went to the metro again today with Elly, Beth and Emm. It was really fun!!! We went to the cinema to see HSM3!! It was surprisingly awesome!!! There's this really cool bit where Troy throws his phone and it proper cartwheels over his bed!!! I was in absolute hysterics and it wasn't even that funny!! Then we went shopping and i got Demi Lovato's album (yes it is out here!! LOL) and then the book i mentioned!! Then we went into this coffee shop called Madisons and Beth was all like ooh lets go in and be all sophisticated!! So we wENt in and she got a coke, Emma got a hot chocolate and I got a milkshake then we sat down on these squishy couches!! It was so funny cos they gave us this wooden stck that was our order thing!!! and i was waving it about!!! Beth was all like we're supposed to be sophisticated and then what does sophisticated even mean!!! So i turned round and went the opposite of you!!! Bless her!!! We had fun working Elly about her dislike of Miley Cyrus!! Every time we saw a hannah Montana thing we were like ohhh Elly!!!! And Beths going to get some converse like me!!! oooohh!!! I think i might get jsut some plain ones for xmas like just one colour like black or blue!! Cos my new ones are a bit bold!! Lol!!! And they don't really go with any of my tops!!