Wednesday 22 October 2008

Live To Party is wedged into my head!!!

Hey peeps!!!

OMJ! Me and Laura thought Kevin was Dead today! We think that is bath fell on him!!! He was half underneath it and wasn't moving! So I was kinda panicking and Laura was sat going 'come on kevin get up'. Then he kind of squeezed out and we were like phew!!! Not so cool now!!

Laura was quite pleased with my blog from yesterday!! Although it knda wenr to her head and she was walking round saying 'I am a legend bow before me mortals'! I guess she's still cool!!

I've still got Live to Party in my head so thanks Natalie!!!

Table tennis again today! I think we're getting slightly better although Natalie is such a show off!! And she always puts me off!

The boys still believe Laura's boyfriend is Kevin!!! We're getting a bit worried that they might see him on the music channel and click on! But he's so stupid he might actually believe that she's dating a superstar! And one of the girls in my year and PE class (erm... what shall i call her? We'll call her... ohhh this is hard! Shannon! Blame my mam!) yeah so she turned up to PE with a Jonas brothers t shirt. I might have already mentioned this but it really does my head in!!! And me and Laura got kinda panicky that the boys might see her!! Luckily they didn't! so its still on!! By the way if there is anyway Kevi is reading this, hope you don't mind!

Another pic of Kevin for Laura because it didn't go on yesterday!!!

Aaaaarrrrgggghhhh flying Nick!!!!! lol!! only joking i know he isn't really flying!

Ciao peeps!!!!

ps 5 days till my bday!

1 comment:

  1. hi!! it's been a while.. but i'm back! lol! so, my computer is being stupid, and i can't read the comment that u left last... so i have no idea wut we were talking about... so YUP! but, ceci told me to tell everyone to read LEMON IN THE TOILET...
    yeh.. the links on my blog!!


lemme know what you think... y'all mean the world