Does anybody else out there find boys so totaly useless!!!!!
They are soo annoying!! Boyfriends Especially!!! They think that for one day or maybe two that you are in a bad mood that its everything!! Thats its something that prooves who you really are. Or when you argue with them that your heart feels like its wanted to break through out of your body and make a run for it!! Where it hurts so bad but yet they haven't said that its over but that you know its comming to an end. When the tears shoudl start to stroll instead they sprint they might as well fly off your face and hit you back.And then it comes the line that every single boy that thinks they no best says:
"It's Just Not Going Anywhere" and then you think its over and then he says that thing must change and then he thinks that you don't understand when you really do but really you don't but to save it all you say you do
Well I tell you something^^^^^ its bullshit but its true....mates before did I ever let anything get ahead of that?? I tell you something when they yell and scream and shout, strop and tantrum, and you thinks its isn't but you think it might as well be but you cannot find the words to say...."Babe...its over but I want us still to be friends becuase I don't think its working between us...and then because you have split up you fear of losing your best friend in the process becuase they've known him longer or becuase he hangs around with him alot and thats what stops you and it's really really hard and I just don't know what do do >:[
And now.....Caterick market 2daii wz canny cool
Dinky Doughnuts, Choccis, Jeans and Laughs on. Charlie it wz awesome thankiezz lool We shud defo do it agen and maybe somewhere else where the weather is much better and to make things better we are inside so my fringe doesn't go all do lally haha
Soo...picciez help me alot with these they really help alot just because its kinda funny to look through em all haha

Okayy so thats kinda cool ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Kevins Shades are likee sooo cool rofl and I don't think Joe wants to look at the camera "OHH no the sun is blinding me" hahahaha
Soo chava ding a ling a ling. Kevin sorta needs a stylist in this pic I don't think it was his best dayy and it could probs have been one of his worst. Yehh Joe looks hardcore. Hes like ggrrrr I'm hardcore get out of my way so yehh and well Nickk....well Nicks just being Nick lukin gawjus as his is normally *laughs*
Ohh yerrr Lovebug Premier 2morro YIPEEEE Cannot wait dudes its gunna be amazing...the video as well I cannot wait to see the video....not to sure about how they all gunna look like...well Nick I do because of the hair an charlie were talking about this before on how Nicks hair cud be like it is in the burning up video and we thort that was quite a good thingii mi giggy yehh so it should be cool... I picture could be hard though a bit...difficult to find but I'll do my best...If i had a superman tee it would help;;;.........ohh yess if anybody does actually no wer abouts in the North East of the great country that is Not England (oopps I mean is England not that its that great anyway) where I can benefit myself in getting a superman tee please comment and tell me because I really want one and yet I still have no idea why
And yess...PICTURE!!!!!!!! I found one I think I don't know if its of the video but I put in Jonas Brothers Lovebug Video Snaps and thats what came up so I saved it and uploaded it because I am a narrow minded simpleton =D

Okayy so I have this idea yehh that Kevin has just insulted somebody and it celebrating and that Joe is like yehh that bites Kevin please stop it now and Nick is thinking "OMJ I am soo Hot!!" *jokes* No Nick is thinking Man Alive Kevin not again you really should be the youngest because you act younger than Frankie...hey Joe maybe Frankie should Take Kevins Place in the band and then when Kevin acts old enuf then he can join the 3 spotlight son the stage that will then become 4
Haha well I'm off now peoplezz
Cyahhz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
OUCHY! the sun!