Kevins got a new tank!!! Well not a new tank but its different!!! Sirs taken out his castle and rocks and filled it with all sciencey stuff!!! It's awesome!!!! So now he's got test tubes, measuring thingys and a fork!!! Okay not sure what thats got to do with andthing but its cool!!! He's even got a bath!!!!! We made sir take out the scissors cos we didn't want Kevin to hurt himself but also cos they were kinda going rusty!!! Lol!!!!
Yeah so Elly wrote a blog yesterday shock horror!!!! Yeah and we went to Cattrick but she didn't get me a pressie cos we didn't find anything! Actually we just forgot!!! I've got this awfull feeling she might do what she did last year and make a photo album of embarassing pics of me!!!! Nooo!!!!!!!!!!
LOVEBUG!!!!!! OMJ the video is AWESOME!!! A little WIERD but AWESOME!!!!! Joe looks gorgeous as usual even dressed up wierd!!! Nick looks awesome but still wierd!!! And even Kevin looks cool!!! But wierd its just all wierd!!!! I don't think its as good as burning up but its better than SOS!!!! They all look really wierd cos its a 30s - 40s theme but wierdly they suit it!!! And you don't see Kevin till half way through!!! Or maube i just didn't recognise him!!! lol
I can't find a pic of it yet!!! BOO HOO!!! ohh well i'll have to make do with this one!!!

Okay i love this picture!!!! Look at Joes eye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yet he still manages to look gorge Lol!! And Kevin looking at that fish!!!! It would have been so awesome if it had been an axolotl it would be like 'Kevin... and Kevin'!!!! Lol And then you've just got Nick in the background readintg like 'yeah i'm intelligent'!!!!
OMJ Elly had me in kinks when she wrote about that pic she put on!!!! eee dear legendary!! Lol!!!
ps 7 days til my bday!!!!!
Happy now!! I left a comment so you can stop bugging me!! OMG, I have just been watching Shaun of the Dead, it's one of the funniest films ever! I just thought i'd say that even tho it's random! Hi elly if you are reading this!! I'm not writing much coz my brothers need the computer! So i'll leave you with this final message, Kevin is better than Carpet-brow Joe and Numpty Nick!